
  1. 其中关于风险一词,采用了风险损失说,即将风险视为遭受损失的危险,但又不否认某些情况下风险附带收益的可能性。

    On the term of risk , we considered it as pure loss , but do not deny that it May carry benefits in some cases .

  2. 关于显失公平的构成要件国外有主观损失说、客观损失说和主客观统一说之分,而各种学说均有其各自的优势及缺陷。

    The constituting factors of the obvious unfairness is classified subjective loss theory , objective loss theory and unified subjective and objective theory , with respective advantage and disadvantage .

  3. 本文首先对有关认定犯罪既未遂的学说进行了概括的介绍,包括失控说、控制说、转移说、损失说等。

    Firstly , this article relates the theory of accomplished crime and criminal attempt as a whole , including out of control , control , transfer , lose and so on .

  4. 对信赖利益的定义,学界素有争论主要存在损失说、利益说,笔者在结合这两种学说优缺点后提出了信赖利益的概念。

    The Reliance interest is known as the definition of academic debate exists mainly loss said and interests . The author combined the said of the advantages with disadvantages of the two theories to put forward the concept of the Reliance interest Reliance interest .

  5. 但是,由于聚合物并不能降低表面张力,因此,从道理上讲也不能减少油膜损失或者说提高驱油效率。

    But because polymer could not decrease surface tension , it theoretically could not decrease oil film loss or improve oil displacement efficiency .

  6. 损失分摊说,因危险责任而生的损害赔偿,得经由商品服务的价格机能和保险制度予以分散。

    Doctrine of allocation of losses , i.e. the damages occurred from the liability of danger should be dissipated through the price mechanism of commodity service and insurance system .

  7. 那是你的损失。他说,你听过最好的歌手是谁?

    That is your loss , he said . Who was the finest singer you 've ever heard ?

  8. 它可能意味着,在华尔街金融机构在次级抵押贷款领域遭受巨额损失、可以说亟需进行改革之际,这些主权财富基金可能很少会施加要求这些机构进行真正变革的压力。

    It could mean there will be little pressure for real change at institutions that , after incurring large losses on subprime mortgages are arguably in dire need of reform .

  9. 但很多病人误解了这个指南,于是因喝了一杯咖啡而放弃了负荷试验,从而导致了试验被取消,医院蒙受收入的损失,他说。

    But many patients misunderstand the instructions and turn up for stress tests having had a cup of coffee , he says , which leads to tests being canceled and revenue lost .

  10. 所以,我们完全可以用一种完全良性而且成本低得多的物质来取代这种昂贵且带有剧毒的原料,而且无需承受任何效率损失,梅杰说。

    So what we have done without any loss of efficiency is to replace expensive and highly toxic material with one that is completely benign and much lower cost in the process , Major said .

  11. 他问我有没有什么损失,我说:很奇怪,老鼠们明显进过储藏室,但我放在那里的大米老鼠碰都没碰。

    He asked me if mice had made any damage to me . I said that it was strange that mice obviously entered the storage room , but they did not eat rice I put there .

  12. 许多企业还没有能够足够提高他们的价格以弥补今年夏天的油价飙升的超过145美元每桶所带来的损失,他们说,高油价仍将引发问题。

    Many businesses had not managed to raise their prices enough to compensate for this summer 's oil spike to more than $ 145 a barrel , and they say the high prices are still causing problems .

  13. 可是亚特兰大城市本身,从战争所带来的后果看,与其说蒙受了不少损失,还不如说大有收获。

    But Atlanta , the city , had gained rather than lost as a result of the war .

  14. 如接受你方现报价格,对我方来说是一个重大损失,更不要说利润了。

    To accept your present quotation would mean a heavy loss to us , not to speak of profit .

  15. “贸易保护主义只会损害彼此的信任,导致双方的损失。”姚说。

    " Trade protectionism can only hurt mutual trust and lead to losses to both sides ," Yao said .

  16. “所有的律师与担保不得不购销那1万亿的损失,”他说。

    " With all your lawyers , with all your collateral , you have to write off $ 1 trillion of your money ," he said .

  17. 2012年初,他们的损失有扩大的趋势,但他们中间没有任何一个人提出通过买卖债券或衍生产品来尽量减少损失,或者说进行交易。

    In early 2012 , when the losses appeared to be mounting , there was no discussion by any of the three about what bonds or derivatives they might sell or buy to minimize their losses & also known as trading .

  18. 在水文水资源分析计算中,对降雨损失的处理,往往只对蒸散发和土壤下渗量进行计算,忽视了植被的降雨截留损失,这样至少说在理论上是不完善的。

    In analysis and computation of hydrologic data and water resources , only rainfall evaporation and rainfall infiltration in soil are often taken into account for rainfall losses , with rainfall interception by vegetation neglected , which is at least imperfect in theory .