
sǔn yì
  • profit and loss;gains and losses;income and expenses;increase and decrease
损益 [sǔn yì]
  • (1) [income and expenses;profit and losses]∶指赔钱和赚钱

  • 损益相抵

  • (2) [increase and decrease]∶增加和减少,指得失

  • 至于斟酌损益,进尽忠言,则攸之、允之任也。--诸葛亮《出师表》

损益[sǔn yì]
  1. 按现行会计准则,开办费在开始经营当月直接计入当月损益,不用调整所得税。

    Press active accounting standard , organization expenses is beginning to manage direct that month plan into that month increase and decrease , need not adjust income tax .

  2. 企业应该按期编制包括资产负债表、损益表、现金流量表等报表在内的会计报告。

    The enterprise should weave the accountant that includes flow meter of watch of balance sheet , increase and decrease , cash to wait for forms for reporting statistics inside reports on schedule .

  3. 损益相抵。

    The gains offset the losses .

  4. 第二十条审计机关对国有企业的资产、负债、损益,进行审计监督。

    Article 20 Audit institutions shall exercise supervision through auditing over the assets , liabilities , profits and losses of the State - owned enterprises .

  5. 基于损益值信息对称缺损的n人静态博弈的灰势-纯策略纳什均衡分析

    Matrix Game of Grey situation-Pure-tactical Nash equilibrium in symmetrical loss information of Game-equilibrium in n-people

  6. 基于GIS的酸沉降对农作物损害的经济损益分析研究

    Study on Economic Cost-benefit Analysis of the Crops ' Losses by Acid Precipitation Based on GIS

  7. 损益表报告可以使用Excel中的加载项链接来创建。

    The income statement report is that can be built using the excel add-in link .

  8. 企业推行EVA管理系统并非是简单地在损益表中增加一个指标而已,这是一项必须经过长期努力才能完成的改革。

    It is a long-term reform for enterprises to pursue EVA management system , especially for listed companies .

  9. 这令人担忧,但并不意味着一定会出现通胀1.9%的损益平衡通胀率仍远低于美联储(Fed)2.5%的舒适水平和危机前的常规水平。

    That is worrying . But it does not guarantee inflation the 1.9 per cent rate is still well below the Federal Reserve 's 2.5 per cent comfort level and pre-crisis norm .

  10. 本文以损益概念,重新推导Put-CallParity公式,发现新的平衡

    We derive the put - call parity equation by the concept of profit and

  11. 第六章使用不同方法计算了上证综合指数和深圳成份指数在不同置信水平下的vaR值,并与实际损益作了比较。

    Chapter 6 calculated VaR values of composite index in Shanghai Stock Exchange and component index in Shenzhen Stock Exchange at difference confidence level using difference methods , and we compared these results with real profit-loss .

  12. 这种会计方法使公司的损益表更好看,因为股票期权薪酬不会作为开支出现,因此这种会计惯例通常被认为是造成CEO激励性工资提高的一项关键因素。

    This accounting , which made companies ' income statements look better because the stock option compensation did not show up as an expense , is often cited as a key contributor to the rise in CEO incentive pay .

  13. 对于给定的损益比,存在最优的临界质量Mop来达到最佳的合作效果,并且当临界质量M增大时,系统呈现不连续相变和阶梯状结构。

    For a given cost-to-benefit ratio r , there is an optimal critical mass Mop to reach the optimal cooperation level and there are discontinuous phase transitions and steplike behaviour when M increases .

  14. 文中首先介绍FASB和IASB以及ASB在非经常性损益方面的研究,包括非经常性损益的定义、内涵和相关界定标准。

    The paper first introduces the FASB and the IASB and the ASB in non-recurring gains of research , including the definition of non-recurring gains and losses , meaning and definition of the relevant standards .

  15. 2003年IASB在修订的准则中取消了非常项目在表内和附注中的披露,这是对以往非经常性损益披露的一次重大改变。

    In 2003 , in the new revised guidelines , IASB eliminated the " extraordinary items " in the table and the disclosure of the notes , which is non-recurring gains and losses of previous disclosure of a major change .

  16. 波斯基认为,在Behance,保持透明度是留住人才的方法之一,他所指的并不仅仅是让所有员工了解公司损益表的每一个细节。

    When Belsky discusses transparency at Behance as a tool to retain employees , he 's not just talking about sharing the details of the company 's income statement .

  17. 而IFRS9对金融资产的分类依据主要是依据业务模式测试和合同现金流量特征测试,把可供出售金融资产期间价值的变动计入其他综合收益,并引入FV-OCI模式,处置时不允许转入损益。

    The classification in IFRS 9 is mainly based on testing and contract business model based on cash flow characteristics of the test , the change of financial assets available for sale introduced the FV-OCI mode , which does not allow disposal profit or loss .

  18. 环境经济损益分析工作程序探讨

    Approach on the Procedure of Environmental Economic Cost - Benefit Analysis

  19. 变动成本法与全部成本法损益差量研究

    Study of the Differential Profit about Variable Costing and Full Costing

  20. 洞庭湖湿地资源退化的生态经济损益评估

    Wetland Resources Degeneration Eco-economical Benefit and Loss Evaluation in Dongting Lake

  21. 我们的汇兑损益主要来源于美元和欧元。

    Our exchange gains and losses basically originates dollar and euro .

  22. 非经常性损益的列报:理论、准则与分析

    Analysis on Theory and Standards of Extraordinary Gains and Losses Presentation

  23. 甘肃省节水灌溉工程环境经济损益分析

    Eco-economic Cost and Benefit Analysis on Water-Saving Irrigation Projects in Gansu Province

  24. 指标计算法在环境经济损益分析中的应用

    Application of Index Computing Method to Environmental Economic Cost-Benefit Analysis

  25. 交叉持股公司股份的确定以及损益分配方法

    The Share Calculation Method of the Cross-Holding Company in the Group Company

  26. 第二个是不涉及损益的非现金事项。

    The second is noncash transactions which are unrelated to net income .

  27. 交通建设工程环境影响的经济损益评价研究

    Study on Cost Benefit Assessment of Environmental Impact of Traffic Construction Project

  28. 损益帐显示企业是否赢利。

    Profit and loss account could show if the enterprise makes profit .

  29. 损益表债务法及其与资产负债表债务法的关系研究

    Income-statement Liability Method and its Relation to Balance-sheet Liability Method

  30. 学生被试的风险决策中框定效应存在,而且问题的损益背景、概率水平对框定效应有一定的影响。股民被试的风险决策中框定效应不存在。

    Problem 's losing-gaining backgrounds and probability levels can influence framing effect .