
  • 网络Schaeffer
  1. 今天有许多错误的理解围绕着薛华。

    A host of misunderstanding swirls around Francis Schaeffer 's reputation today .

  2. 我第一次遇到薛华是1965年,当时我在伦敦做学生。

    I first met Francis Schaeffer in1965 when I was a student in London .

  3. 对薛华,我就不能够这样讲,我与他意见也不尽相同。

    I can 't say quite the same about Francis , and I have my differences with him .

  4. 其实,我念过薛华的书并不多,因为在出版前,我已经听过他的讲了。

    In fact I have not read many of Schaeffer 's books , because I heard them all delivered in lectures and discussions before they were written .

  5. 后来我有机会住在薛华夫妇家三年之久,所以我对他们了解深刻。

    Later on , I had the privilege of living with Francis and Edith Schaeffer for three years in their home , so I came to know them both very well .

  6. 下个礼拜就是法兰西斯·薛华逝世25周年纪念,他在明尼苏达州罗彻斯特市的家中去世,时年72岁。

    Next week ( May15 ) will be the25th anniversary of the death of Francis Schaeffer , who died in his home in Rochester , MN , at the age of72 .