
  1. 林黛玉的敏感,薛宝钗的坚强。

    For example , Lin is sensitive ; Xue Baochai is tough .

  2. 论薛宝钗人格的自我实现特征

    On the Self-Realization Feature of Xue Bao-chai 's Personality

  3. 《红楼梦影》中薛宝钗的情感世界

    Shape Shadow XUE Bao-chai 's Emotion World in Dream of Red Chamber Ying

  4. 薛宝钗性格的现代阐释

    A Modern Interpretation of the Character of Xue Bao-chai

  5. 薛宝钗是《红楼梦》中的“冷美人”。

    Xue Baochai is " cool beauty " in " Dream of Red Mansions " .

  6. 新中国成立后的17年中,多数学者认为薛宝钗是封建阶级忠实的代表者。

    1950-1965 , most scholars considered XUE Bao-chai was a fealty representative of the feudal class .

  7. 薛宝钗是《红楼梦》众多艺术形象中塑造得极为成功的一个女性形象,但对这个形象的解读却莫衷一是。

    Xue Baochai is one of the many successful artistic female figures in A Dream of Red Mansions .

  8. 小说作者通过薛宝钗之口,揭示出了林黛玉这种个性化语言的艺术特征。

    The author reveals the artistic features of LIN Dai yu 's personalized language through XUE Bao cai 's mouth .

  9. 薛宝钗的人际交往魅力来自于她的外貌因素、才华因素、人格因素和娴熟的人际交往艺术。

    Her charm of interpersonal relationship lies in her beauty , capability , personality , and her wisdom of communication as well .

  10. “想起近日薛宝钗在家养病,未去亲候,意欲去望他一望。”

    " Remembering that he had not gone in person to askafter baochai 's recent indisposition , he decided to pay her a visit . "

  11. 薛宝钗是与贾宝玉、林黛玉鼎足而三的重要人物,也是红学研究中争议最多的复杂人物。

    Xue Baochai is as important as Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu , the three of whom form a relationship triangle and a complicated figure in A Dream of Red Mansions .

  12. 不知怎的,我的年纪越大,我越觉得他象薛宝钗,虽然宝玉不喜欢,但是平日里做人做事口碑极好,无懈可击。

    But for one reason or another , my older , the more I feel that as he scolded , although Baoyu dislike , but on the excellent reputation of doing things , impeccable .

  13. “周瑞家的不敢惊动,遂进里间来。只见薛宝钗穿着家常衣服,头上只散挽着髻儿,坐在炕里边,伏在小炕桌上同丫鬟莺儿正描花样子呢。”

    " Not wanting to disturb them she went into the inner room where Baochai in a house dress , her hair pinned into a loose knot , was copying an embroidery pattern with her maid Yinger at the low table on the kang . "