
  • 网络the Jia s
  1. 从贾府的男人形象看《红楼梦》的思想内涵&《红楼梦》人物论

    The Men Images in Jia 's Household in A Dream of Red Mansions

  2. 第一节结合八旗制度,对贾府的经济生活进行剖析。

    The first section analyses the economic life of the Jias referring to Banner system .

  3. 谈贾府四春名字的文化意蕴

    On the cultural meaning of the names of the four sisters in the Jia Mansion

  4. 第二节结合相关史料,对贾府的家奴制度进行分析。

    The second section analyses the house slave system of the Jias referring to some historical data .

  5. 在《红楼梦》的贾府主子中,发生过两起父亲责打儿子事件。

    It happened two times that father dressed down their son in A Dream of Red Mansions .

  6. 贾府的家奴制度,既与西方的奴隶制度迥然不同,也与中国传统的奴婢制度有着显著的区别。

    The house slave system of the Jias is same as neither western slave system nor Chinese tradition servants system .

  7. 通过在贾府及其周边人物的描写,此书展现了一副巨大的封建社会的画卷。

    Through description of the Jia family and surrounding people , the novel reveals an enormous picture of the feudal society .

  8. 贾府的衰败过程和衰败原因是“康乾盛世”衰败凝缩和缩影。

    The declination and its reasons of the Jia 's family condensed and epitomized those of the reigns of Kangxi and Qianlong .

  9. 正是这个具有非凡公关才能的老太太,见证了贾府兴衰荣辱的全过程。

    Exactly this have uncommon public relations then can of old woman , witness the whole process of the Jia mansion rise and fall honor versus dishonor .

  10. 一进荣国府引出关键人物王熙凤,也为她自己以后在贾府的活动奠定基础;

    While entering the glory country mansion derivation key person Wang Xifeng , also will lay the foundation in the activity of the mansion of jia hereafter by herself for her ;

  11. 周瑞家的是王夫人的陪房和心腹奴仆,也是贾府最有实权的女管家之一。

    Zhou Zui 's wife , who is Madame 's Wang 's faithful maidservant that follows the bride to her husband'house , is one of those household managers who have real power .

  12. 为迎接元妃省亲,贾府上下开邕忙碌,还专修了一座大观园。

    The Jia family relaxed after hearing the news . In order to welcome the homecoming imperial concubine , the Jia family became busier and built a garden of grand views for the occasion .

  13. 不仅客观上为我们勾勒了十八世纪满族庄园经济的基本轮廓,同时又以贾府具体的实例揭示了乾隆时期日益严峻的旗人生计问题。

    It not only outlines the elementary contour of Manchu manor economy in 18th century , but also reveals increasingly grim livelihood question of Eight Banners in the Qianlong period by concrete example of the Jias .

  14. 《红楼梦》被誉为中国语言和文化的百科全书,集中描写了贾府这个封建大家族由盛到衰的全过程。

    Hong Lou Meng ( or A Dream of Red Chamber ) is regarded as an encyclopedia of both Chinese language and culture . It is a story mainly about the process of a feudal family going from prosperity to decline .

  15. 游戏活动的分布情况与贾府盛衰密切相连,而游戏内容的丰富及来源的广泛使小说能够为读者带来相当高度的审美体验。第三章《红楼梦》中的游戏活动对全书的作用。

    Distribution and rise and fall of the Jias game activities closely linked , and rich game content and source widely makes the novel can bring quite high aesthetic experience to readers . " A dream of Red Mansions " role in the game activities on the book .