
  1. 反叛高歌三人奏&崔莺莺、杜丽娘、林黛玉形象分析

    The Rebel of Cui Ying-ying , Du Li-niang and Lin Dai-yu

  2. 《西厢记》作为元杂剧的代表作之一,塑造了崔莺莺、老夫人、红娘三个光彩照人、个性鲜明的女性形象。

    As a masterpiece of Yuan Dynasty 's dramas , The Western Chamber created three vivid female images : Cui Yingying , The old lady ( Cui 's mother ), and Hong Niang .

  3. 研究唐代著名小说《莺莺传》中崔莺莺的艺术形象,破译其“哀而不恨”的密码,对于我们揭示这一人生主题具有积极的意义。

    In The Biography of Yingying , the famous novel in the Tang Dynasty , the artistic image of Miss Cui 's " lament but not regret " is of great significance for us to understand the meaning of life .

  4. 剧本描写了崔莺莺和张生的爱情故事,歌颂了他们追求自由婚姻、反抗封建礼教的精神,提出了“愿普天下有情人都成眷属”的主题。

    This play , a love story of Cui Yingying and Zhang Sheng , acclaimed their courage in the pursuit of a free marriage in opposition to feudal ethics , declaring that ," all those in love shall be wedded " .