
  • 网络AL Jaber;Jabir;Geber
  1. 贾比尔说,美国各地的阿拉伯人社区也在进行类似的努力。但是,密西根州的努力有特殊的焦点。

    According to Jaber , similar efforts are being made in many other Arab-American communities throughout the U.S. , but there is a special focus on Michigan .

  2. 最伟大的炼金术土是贾比尔伊本哈扬,他也许和杰贝尔是同一个人,是人们根据十三世纪拉丁文译本得知的关于炼金术的两本重要著作的作者。

    The greatest Arab alchemist was Jabir Ibn hayyan , possibly the same person as geber , author two important books on alchemy known from the Latin translations of the thirteenth century .

  3. 哈桑.贾比尔是密西根州经济和社会服务阿拉伯社区中心的执行主任。他说,该中心的一个目标就是增加在该州的阿拉伯裔美国人的政治参与。

    Hassan Jaber , executive director of the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services in Michigan , says one of the center 's goals is to increase Arab-American political participation in the state .