
  1. 是在阿切曼尼的法拉瓦哈肖像从波斯艺术消失之后。

    After the Achaemenids the image of the Faravahar disappears from Persian art .

  2. 他对波斯艺术一窍不通,那不是他的本行。

    He knows nothing about Persian art ; that 's quite outside his province .

  3. 萨珊王朝艺术是波斯艺术的顶峰这一观点,为学术圈里广泛接受。

    The view of Sassanian Empire Art is the peak of the Persian has been widely accepted by the academic circle .

  4. 古代埃及艺术、希腊罗马艺术、印度艺术、波斯艺术和中原艺术都在楼兰艺术中留下了鲜明的烙印。

    Most of ancient arts in the world , such as Egyptian Art , Greece-Roman Art , Indian Art , Persia Art and Chinese Art , had influence on the Loulan Art .

  5. 古代波斯的染织艺术及其与中国的关系

    Relation between Ancient Persian and Chinese Weaving and Dyeing Arts

  6. 地毯编织在16世纪的波斯到达其艺术顶峰。

    Carpet weaving reached its peak of artistry in16th-century Persia .

  7. 萨珊波斯琐罗亚斯德教艺术在南北朝至隋唐艺术各个美术门类的影响曾经非常广泛,尤其在中国西部地区。

    Zoroastrianism art of Sassanian Persia had had very wide influence on the different arts in Nanbei Chao and Sui and Tang dynasty , the western part of China in particular .