
  • 网络Pawnee;BONNY;bony;Boney M
  1. 头衔:印第安纳州波尼地区市议员

    Title : City Councilor of Pawnee , Indiana

  2. 莱斯利坚定不移的乐观精神帮助了印第安纳州的波尼地区,土生土长的她最近刚刚当选为市议员,这令她离成为美国总统这个终极目标更近了一步。

    Leslie 's unwavering optimism helped land the Pawnee , Ind. , native her newest role as City Councilor & another step toward achieving her ultimate goal of becoming President of the United States .

  3. 你是用波尼狄的防卫术来防御我的?

    You are using Bonetti 's defense against me ?

  4. 空气口袋被冻结到位,在波尼湖位于维多利亚陆地,南极洲。

    Air pockets are frozen in place in Lake Bonney in Victoria Land , Antarctica .

  5. 波尼人和你无怨无仇。

    They have done nothing to you .

  6. 以前住在内布拉斯加州和堪萨斯州,现在主要在俄克拉荷马州的波尼印第安族人。

    A member of the Pawnee nation formerly living in Nebraska and Kansas but now largely in Oklahoma .

  7. 当时既没有雷曼兄弟式的崩溃,也没有波尼。麦道夫式的欺诈来对这番乐极生悲的景象作出诠释。

    There was no Lehman-style collapse or Bernie Madoff-type fraud to hammer home the full extent of the hubris .

  8. 你可以把狗交给波尼看管,她对宠物很有一套,会帮你照顾好他的。

    You can leave your dog with Bonny . She 's great with pets and will take good care of him .

  9. 由于氢化可的松和波尼松龙两者结构相似,它们的光谱也很相似,色谱出峰时间接近,因此色谱分析很难达到完全分离。

    Due to the structural similarity between cortisol and prednisolone , it is not surprising that the two analytes have similar spectral profiles and close retention time .

  10. 这个想法提出其外观早在统治菲利普公平,在一些抗议,认为君主对政策的波尼法爵八世。

    This idea made its appearance as early as the reign of Philip the Fair , in some of the protests of that monarch against the policy of Boniface VIII .

  11. 不过最近,她却遭遇到了挫折,因为在罢免投票中失利,她很快将会面临失业,但莱斯利诺普肯定会有办法重返波尼地区的公园与公共娱乐部门。

    She has recently suffered a setback , as she lost her recall election and will soon be out of a job , but chances are she 'll find her way back to the Pawnee 's Parks and Recreation department .

  12. 只有波尼人和黑足人偶尔结队走过这里,前往其他猎区;即使是最勇敢最坚强的人,也巴不得早日走完这片可怕的荒原,重新投身到大草原中去。

    A band of Pawnees or of Blackfeet may occasionally traverse it in order to reach other hunting - grounds , but the hardiest of the braves are glad to lose sight of those awesome plains , and to find themselves once more upon their prairies .