
jūn ɡōnɡ zhānɡ
  • medal for military merit
  1. 他被授予了多枚军功章。

    He was awarded several military decorations .

  2. 我是美国最高的军功章。

    I 'm America 's highest military decoration .

  3. 这个军功章12%是你的

    Give yourself 12 % of the credit .

  4. 他是会授予自己几十枚军功章,还是会因撰写带有明显粉饰痕迹的回忆录而颁给自己列宁文学奖?

    Will he award himself dozens of military medals or the Lenin prize for literature for obviously enhanced memoirs ?

  5. 冈萨雷斯2006年10月至2008年1月在伊拉克服役,接受的勋章包含两场在伊拉克战斗中获得的军功章。

    Gonzalez served in Iraq from October 2006 to January 2008 , receiving decorations including an Iraq Campaign Medal with two campaign stars .

  6. 美国军队一名骑警因在阿富汗一场战斗中的卓越表现,被授予荣誉勋章,这是美国最高等级的军功章。

    US Army ranger has been awarded the Medal of Honor , America 's highest military medal , for his actions in a firefight in Afghanistan .