
jūn xū
  • quartermaster;military supplies
军需 [jūn xū]
  • (1) [military supplies]∶军队所需的给养、被服、装具、日用品等物资的统称;泛指军队作战、训练和生活上所需的物资和器材

  • (2) [quartermaster]∶军队的旧职务名,办理军需业务的人员

军需[jūn xū]
  1. 正如我的同事、哈佛大学(Harvard)经济学家马丁费尔德斯坦(MartinFeldstein)所指出的那样,这一原则适用于加快军需品的替换周期。

    As my fellow Harvard economist Martin Feldstein has pointed out , this principle applies to accelerating replacement cycles for military supplies .

  2. 科索沃战争对高技术作战军需保障的启示

    Enlightenment of military supplies support from Kosovo war in high-tech war

  3. 华润集团成立于1938年,前身是香港联和行(Liow&Co),当初为抗日根据地筹集资金购买军需物资。

    Formed in 1938 and previously known as Hong Kong 's Liow & Co. it was initially credited with raising money for weapons for Chinese to fight Japanese forces .

  4. 三个附加在弹头上的特殊涂层,也对军需品(IM)降低敏感程度起到至关重要的作用。

    Three additional warheads were expended in insensitive munition ( IM ) screening also at Socorro , meeting cook-off and bullet impact expectations .

  5. 美国军需部(QuartermasterCorps)的一个小组向24个城市的约1.5个军队展示了多套军装;

    A team from the Quartermaster Corps proposed army uniforms to about 15000 troops in 24 cities ;

  6. 1949年,美国军需总办公室(OfficeoftheQuartermasterGeneral)开始着手将军服颜色固定下来,它寻找军服新颜色的过程可能是服装和官僚史上最广泛的研发和市场测试过程。

    In 1949 , the Office of the Quartermaster General set about stabilizing the army uniform , and its search for a new color may have represented the most extensive development and market-testing process in the history of both apparel and bureaucracy .

  7. 我父亲告诉我,二战期间,他的父亲是英国海军一艘扫雷艇的船长。他的任务是找到并引爆第三帝国(ThirdReich)海军布设的水雷,保障从美国到英国的军需物资运输路线畅通。

    As my father tells it , his father was the captain of a British Navy minesweeper in World War II , a job that required finding and blowing up mines laid by the navy of the Third Reich to disrupt shipments of war supplies from the United States to Britain .

  8. 军需维棉布色档的产生及预防

    Generation and Pretection of Color Bar in Military Vinylon Cotton Fabric

  9. 这个组织依赖欧洲秘密供应军需品。

    This organization depended on European back doors for military supplies .

  10. 冯诺依曼与美国军需主管达成了一项协议。

    Von Neumann did a deal with his American military paymasters .

  11. 高技术条件下应急机动作战军需保障研究

    Research on military supplies support of emergent fighting on hightech condition

  12. 他向军需库司令官提交了一份征用物资清单。

    He presented a list of requisitions to the depot commander .

  13. 寻找财团军需官,卖破烂物并且修理。

    Find the Consortium Quartermaster , sell junk and repair .

  14. 应急机动作战部队宜建立军需保障队

    Setting up Quartermaster support teams in emergency mobile combat unit

  15. 登陆战役军需物资筹措研究

    Accumulation of military supplies in the battle of landing lands

  16. 步兵旅应急机动作战军需保障探讨

    Military supplies support of infantry brigade in the emergent fighting

  17. 军需纺织品中的数字喷墨印花技术

    The application of digital ink jet printing for textile munitions

  18. 军需设备损耗迄今还没有精确的评定。

    Accurate assessments of the damage have not been available until now .

  19. A军需企业民品发展研究分析

    A Study on Business of Developing Civil Product for A Military-Supplies Enterprise

  20. 城市防空作战军需保障研究

    A study of military supplies support in the anti-air battles

  21. 军需装备品包装改进研究

    Research on the Improvement of the Packaging of Quartermaster Equipment

  22. 军需物资供应链保障研究

    Study on the Support of the Quartermaster Materials Supply Chain

  23. 试论金朝的军需供应制度

    A Tentative Study on Military Supplies System in Jin Dynasty

  24. 军需供给群体决策支持系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Military Demand Supply Group Decision Support System

  25. 他的职责是为部队采办军需品。

    He was responsible for procuring supplies for the army .

  26. 美国海军的水陆两用军。美国空军军需品指挥部

    An amphibious division of the US Navy . Air Force Materiel Command

  27. 所有的军需品和辎重都被敌人夺走了。

    All of the artillery and baggage were captured by the enemy .

  28. 发展军需品包装的总体思考

    Overall ideas on the development of military supplies packaging

  29. 科索沃战争对加强我军战场军需保障的启示

    Enlightenment of battlefield military supplies from the Kosovo War

  30. 陆军军需兵司令兼军需局局长兵役制使我国的征兵行为有章可循了。

    The military service system provides the conscription activities with regulations to follow .