
piáo jì
  • whoring;wench;whoredom
嫖妓 [piáo jì]
  • (1) [wench]∶和淫荡的女人乱搞男女关系;尤指与女人私通

  • (2) [whoredom]∶与妓女私通

嫖妓[piáo jì]
  1. 妻子即使知道丈夫嫖妓因而心怀不满,但郁于封建礼教只有忍气吞声。

    Even his wife knew her husband so disgruntled prostitute , but Alice in feudal ethical code only submit to humiliation .

  2. 但对于这样的事,除了讽刺(道貌岸然的政客嫖妓被抓后,人们甚至会有一点幸灾乐祸)之外,我们是否也能从中借鉴些什么呢?

    But is there a lesson to be learned beyond appreciating the irony ( and perhaps a bit of schadenfreude when a moralizing politician is caught with a prostitute ) ?