
  • 网络Hundred Regiments Offensive;tuan.cdqss.com;Hundred Regiments;Hundred Regiments Campaign;Hundred-Regiment Campaign
  1. 区内旅游资源丰富,百团大战纪念碑气势雄伟,狮脑山森林公园郁郁葱葱、远离喧嚣、回归自然;

    Tourism in the region is rich in resources , the Hundred Regiments momentum magnificent monuments , Lion Mountain Park green and luxuriant forest , away from noise , back to nature ;

  2. 当你听到“百团大战”被用来形容各种学生组织间的竞争,别惊奇。

    And don 't be surprised when you hear the phrase " 100 regiments in one battle " being used to describe the competition among various students'organizations .

  3. 更糟糕的是,团购行业的门坎很低,人人都能参与,因而没过多久,团购业就呈现出“百团大战”的局面。

    Even worse , there are few barriers to entry & anybody could do it , and for awhile there , it seemed as if everyone did , as companies packed into the space .