
  • 网络lecture room;cctv;television program
  1. 《百家讲坛》强大的影响力源于它独特的栏目特色。

    The great influence of Lecture Room roots in its specific characteristics .

  2. 从百家讲坛到三尺讲台的思考

    From the Lecture Room to the Three Chi Platform

  3. 《百家讲坛》系列图书畅销现象研究

    Research on the Heated Phenomenon of Best-sellers Concerning on " Lecture Room "

  4. 本文通过分析《百家讲坛》现象来对传统文化的电视传播进行一定的反思。

    This paper reflects on the influence of traditional culture through analyzing the Lecture Room phenomenon .

  5. 科研成果:在中央电视台《百家讲坛》栏目主讲中医原理和养生保健知识。

    Research on CCTV : " column " estrade of TCM theory and the health care knowledge .

  6. 但这些符号资源在《百家讲坛》纲要式结构各部分的分布却表现出很大差异。

    However , the distribution of these resources in different parts of the schematic structure shows great variations .

  7. 试析讲坛类电视节目的定位转变&以科教栏目《百家讲坛》为例

    On television forum of the position change & taking Columns to science and education " 100 forum " as an case

  8. 近年来,以《百家讲坛》为首的“文化讲坛”类电视节目开始在全国风行,而且从荧屏内热到荧屏外。

    In recent years ," cultural forum " television programs started to heat up , and heat from screen to screen outside .

  9. 第二部分从《百家讲坛》的非凡历程入手,分析电视讲坛类栏目学术媒介化的成功缘由。

    The second part begins with the course of lecture room , analysis the success factors of express academic knowledge through the television .

  10. 《百家讲坛》依托中央十套科教频道,与频道在科学品质、教育品格上相辅相成。

    Lecture room relies on CCTV-10 Channel of Science and Education , and is compatible with the channel in the scientific quality and educational style .

  11. 因而,我们既不能单纯地用学术的眼光来审视《百家讲坛》,也不能抛弃传承历史传统文化的社会责任。

    Thus , we can neither simply take an academic perspective , nor abandon the social responsibility of representing traditional culture while analyzing the " Lecture Room " .

  12. 在节目成功的同时,《百家讲坛》更是显现出了强大的社会影响力和市场号召力,掀开了中国经典文化所蕴涵的品牌价值,为经典文化打开了前所未有的广阔市场。

    It is a successful TV program exerting strong social influence and marketing might and producing brand value of Chinese classic culture , which boasts an unprecedentedly broad market .

  13. 《百家讲坛》作为一档学术性强的讲坛类节目在电视荧屏上的迅速走红得到了社会各界的广泛关注。

    " Lecture Room " as a forum for strong academic profile types of programs on TV screens on the popularity that has been widespread concerned in the community .

  14. 《百家讲坛》造就了大量的学术明星,于丹就是其中最耀眼的一位之一,也是最受争议的一位。

    The " Lecture Room " has created a large number of academic stars , and Yu Dan is one of the most dazzling , but also one of the most controversial .

  15. 作为一个大众传媒时代广义的文学文本,《百家讲坛》栏目充分反射出当代中国精英文化与大众文化的矛盾与融合、普通百性对回归日常生活世界的诉求。

    As a literary text in the mass media age , it also reflects the conflict and combination of Chinese scholastic culture and popular culture and the ordinary people 's desire for common life .

  16. 本文认为《百家讲坛》已经取得了多项突破,并且依据自身资源进行了品牌经营,为我国电视讲坛类栏目的发展提供了一个范本。

    Moreover , its column characteristic and the brand management also have been analyzed . It is pointed out that " Lecture Room " had already made many breakthroughs , and depend on own resources to carry on the brand management .

  17. 鉴于此,本文尝试运用多模态话语理论及语域理论,深层解读《百家讲坛》中各种不同符号资源,如视觉符号和文本符号,如何相互作用构成意义,以达到该讲座栏目的最佳效果的。

    In light of this background , this thesis attempts to decode how different semiotic resources , visual and textual , interact with one another to construct meaning in Lecture Room under the theoretical framework of MDA theories and the register theory .

  18. 从《百家讲坛》到文史讲坛的无奈蜕变这是《百家讲坛》内容退守的第一个方面的体现:关于这一蜕变的过程,我们可以做三个层面上的阐释。

    From the " lecture room " to " history forum ," This is the frustration into " lecture room ," the contents of the first retreat of the embodiment of one aspect : on the transformation process , we can make the interpretation on three levels .

  19. 就定量研究而言,我们选取了《百家讲坛》中的24集讲座作为语料,这些讲座节目几乎涵盖了本讲坛涉及的所有题材,如文化、经济、生物、医学等。

    As far as the quantitative analysis is concerned , we collect 24 episodes of lectures from ' Lecture Room ' as the data , and these lectures nearly cover all subjects the program deals with , such as culture , economy , biology , medicine and so on .