
  • 网络Baidu Knows;come on;seo
  1. 阿拉伯语版“百度知道”的页面上有一段英文,邀请用户进行提问。用户可发布问题并为给出好答案的其他用户提供积分奖励。

    The Arabic Baidu Knows , which allows users to post questions and reward other users for good answers , launched with a message ( in English ) inviting users to ask questions .

  2. 在埃及推出的网站是“百度知道”的阿拉伯语版本,而在泰国推出的是泰语版的Hao123网址导航。

    The Egypt site is an Arabic version of its Google Answers-like service Baidu Knows , while in Thailand the company has launched a Thai-language version of its web directory & Hao123 .

  3. 将问句时间解析的结果对百度知道和SOSO问问的返回结果进行约束,正确率也有所提高。

    Finally , with constraints of time-domain , the accuracy of results from baidu and soso are also increased .

  4. 在本实验设计中,我们借助百度知道的知识库,通过Crawler爬虫程序,依据相应的抓取算法,从URL链向深度和广度抓取一定数量的网页,作为我们下一步信息提取的答案源库。

    In the design of this experiment , basing on the knowledge base of " baiduzhidao ", we will grab a certain number of web pages from the URL chain in width and depth through the Crawler program and the corresponding grab algorithm .

  5. 基于百度知道的知识自组织现象及启示

    The Phenomenon of Knowledge Self-organization Based on the Baidu Known and Its Enlightenment

  6. 读取百度知道的分类可自行设置,也可以打乱百度知道原有的分类结构,分类名称亦可自行定义。

    Baidu to read the classification of self-set that can also disrupt the existing classification structure that Baidu , also self-defined category names .

  7. 所以只能使出浑身解数,先是找翻译软件来翻译一些短语或句子,发现行不通就在“百度知道”里咨询各路高手。

    Therefore , I have to try all means , like using a translation software or consulting others in the forums , to understand the sentences .

  8. 这条信息鼓励用户使用百度的其它产品:留言板“百度贴吧”以及用户自主参与的问答服务“百度知道”。

    The message encourages users to try two of the site 's other products : message board Baidu Tieba , or Baidu Postbar , and user-generated question and answer service Baidu Zhidao , or Baidu Knows .