
bǎi líng niǎo
  • lark;Songbird;Alouette
百灵鸟 [bǎi líng niǎo]
  • [lark] 鸟名,像麻雀但稍大,羽毛上有白色斑点,叫声很好听

  1. 珂赛特!这里大家叫做百灵鸟的!

    Cosette & the Lark , as she is called hereabouts !

  2. 树林中快乐地叽叽喳喳叫的小鸟.这个小百灵鸟快要变成有奶的牛了。

    This lark is going to turn into a milch cow .

  3. 百灵鸟的叽叽喳喳声把我给吵醒了。

    I woke up to the sound of larks chirruping .

  4. 一个捕鸟人正在撒网,好让小鸟们自投罗网。这时,一只百灵鸟走过来,问他在干什么。

    A fowler was setting his nets for little birds when a lark1 came up to him and asked him what he was doing .

  5. 她总是唱着歌,比百灵鸟都快乐。

    She was always singing as merrily as any lark .

  6. 我错了,我们的国家鸟类是草原百灵鸟。

    I was wrong , our state bird is the Meadow Lark .

  7. 百灵鸟唱起歌来了&漂亮的春天已经来了。

    The larks were singing , and the beautiful spring had come .

  8. 大自然的图案:倒影。静水的明尼苏达州的百灵鸟镜湖云聚天空。

    The still waters of Minnesota 's Wasan Lake mirror cloudy skies .

  9. 飞翔中的百灵鸟和鹰不留下一丝痕迹;

    The lark and the eagle in their flight leave no mark ;

  10. 在那里,大家叫她百灵鸟。

    She was called the Lark in the neighborhood .

  11. 十分钟后,百灵鸟还没来。

    Ten minutes later , lark not yes come .

  12. 您自然的鸟性人格百灵鸟或猫头鹰部分地取决于基因。

    Your natural bird persona lark or owl is partly determined by genetics .

  13. 她都快活成一只百灵鸟了。

    She is as cheerful as a lark .

  14. 你的声音虽象草原上的百灵鸟。

    Your voice is like a meadow larks .

  15. 那是百灵鸟,在歌唱黎明的来临,不是夜莺。

    It was the lark , the herald of the morn ; no nightingale .

  16. 百灵鸟认真而巧妙地道出了这些话。

    The lark said all this neatly , but seriously at the same time .

  17. 现在你唱得像百灵鸟,迟早有一天连调子都不会哼。

    One day you cant carry a tune , now you sing like a lark .

  18. 而百灵鸟又只是一个别名。

    And the Lark was a nickname .

  19. 不过这只百灵鸟从来不歌唱。

    Only the little lark never sang .

  20. 可怜的百灵鸟仍旧临风战栗。

    The poor Lark continued to shiver .

  21. 百灵鸟从蓝天上飞过,我爱你,中国!

    A lark is flying across the blue sky , I love you , China !

  22. 在那所房子里,只听见一种声音,就是百灵鸟扫楼梯的声音。

    A noise was audible in the house ; it was the lark sweeping the stairs .

  23. 你就像是百灵鸟。

    You are like a lark .

  24. 我听见了早晨的百灵鸟歌唱。

    I do hearthe morning lark .

  25. 听起来十分像百灵鸟,她惊讶地说道。

    " That sounds for all the world like a lark ", she said in amazement .

  26. 当动物们都在期盼着百灵鸟的演出时,另一件有趣的事在森林小学发生了。

    When animals expecting lark 's performance , another interesting things happened at forest primary school .

  27. 最终,小伙子决定收养它,尽管他最近才收养了一只百灵鸟。

    At last the lad decided to adopt it even though he adopted a lark lately .

  28. 起先我是一个诗人,现在我却成了一只百灵鸟!

    First I was a poet ; now sold for a few pence as a lark ;

  29. 随后,那妇人认出了是珂赛特,又说:“嘿,原来是百灵鸟!”

    Then the woman recognized Cosette . " Well ," said she ," it 's the Lark !"

  30. 一小时后,狮子大王来了,它很惊异地看见车站里没有百灵鸟的身影。

    An hour later , lion king came and was surprised to see lark didn 't come .