
  • 网络lotus japonicus;lotus corniculatus;birdsfoot trefoil;lotus corniculatus L;Lotus japonicas
  1. 以可转化人工染色体(TAC)载体为基础的百脉根基因组文库的构建及筛选

    The Construction and Screening of Genomic Library Based on Trans - formable Artificial Chromosome ( TAC ) Vector in Lotus japonicus

  2. BIOORGANS(BIO)由百脉根中克隆得到,调控花器官的对称性以及器官的大小,其突变的截断基因bio来自于大规模的EMS诱变,目前对该两个基因还未进行深入研究。

    BIO ORGANS ( BIO ) in Lotus Japonicus regulates floral organ symmetry and organ size . The mutant gene bio was obtained in large scale mutagenesis of EMS . This two genes have not been deeply studied .

  3. 通过酵母单杂交技术鉴定了百脉根NSPs具有结合DNA的能力。

    Using yeast one-hybrid , the ability to binding DNA of NSPs was identified .

  4. 利用激光微束穿刺法将GUS基因导入百脉根并获得转基因植物的研究

    Introduction of Gus Gene into Lotus and Acquisition of Transgenic Plants via Laser Microbeam Puncture

  5. 本研究选用豆科模式植物百脉根作为研究系统,从CEN的同源基因入手,对豆科植物的花序发育进行研究。

    We try to understand the mechanism of inflorescence development in Lotus , the legume model system , through CEN homologues in it .

  6. 百脉根结瘤信号通道蛋白NSP2是结瘤因子信号转导途径的必要元件之一。

    Nodulation Signaling Pathway 2 ( NSP2 ) is one of key components of the Nod factor signal transduction pathway in Lotus japonicus .

  7. 农杆菌介导转化豆科牧草百脉根影响因子

    The Factors Affecting Agrobacterium tumefaciens - mediated Transformation of Lotus corniculatus

  8. 百脉根侧生器官边界形成分子机制的初步研究

    Primary Study on the Boundary Formation of Lateral Organs in Lotus Japonicus

  9. 建立了根癌农杆菌介导AVP1基因转化百脉根的遗传转化体系。

    The transformation system mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens was established .

  10. 百脉根花模式建成分子机制的初步研究

    Primary Study on Molecular Mechanism of Floral Patterning in Lotus Japonicus Built Works

  11. 经过共培养、筛选分化、再生,得到百脉根抗性植株。

    After co-culture , selective differentiation and regeneration , resistant crowtoe plants were obtained .

  12. 锌锰钼配施技术在鸡脚草和百脉根混播草地中的应用

    Studies on Combined Application of Zn , Mn and Mo in Mixed Sowing Grassland

  13. 百脉根组织培养的研究

    Studies on Tissue Culture of Lotus Corniculatus Linn

  14. 种植密度、刈割高度和刈割频度对百脉根产草性能的影响

    Effects of planting density , cutting height and frequency on herbage productivity of birdsfoot trefoil

  15. 百脉根单株产量主要农艺性状的相关和通径分析

    Correlation and path analysis between main agronomic characters and per plant yield on Lotus corniculatus

  16. 红景天甙和百脉根甙的回收率分别为100.05%,97.85%。

    The recoveries are 100.05 % ( salidroside ) and 97.85 % ( lotaustralin ) .

  17. 第四类为鸡眼草、百脉根和马棘,边坡适应性中等,适宜作为保护种与伴生种;

    The adaptability is centered , and can be used protection species and auxiliary species ;

  18. 草地麦库大百脉根在云南的生长表现

    Growth Performance of Lotus Uliginosus in Yunnan

  19. 云南引进帝国百脉根的研究

    Study on Introduced Birdsfoot in Yunnan

  20. 本研究试图从两条途径考察拟南芥和百脉根花模式复杂度差别的问题。

    In this study we adopted two approaches to address this difference of floral pattern complexity .

  21. 含硫氨基酸基因对烟草、百脉根的遗传转化及表达定位的研究

    Study on Tobacco and Crowtoe Transformations of Sulphur-containing Amino Acids Genes Mediated by Agrobacterium Tumefaciens and Their Expressions and Locations

  22. 共生信号转导研究中,苜蓿和百脉根两种模式植物部分关键信号转导基因相继克隆。

    Multi of signaling key genes has been cloned from the two model plants , Medicago truncatula and Lotus japonicus .

  23. 航天诱变百脉根突变体筛选及其初步鉴定的研究但同时带有两个突变的基因,却会让个体疼痛并且寿命减短。

    Research of Lotus Japonicus Mutants Selection by Spaceflight Mutation and Their Primary Identification ; But two copies doom the bearer to pain and a shortened life span .

  24. 生物技术的发展使得通过苜蓿、百脉根原生质体融合培育耐酸苜蓿新品种成为可能。

    The development of biotechnology has made it possible to breed a new variety of alfalfa which can grow in acid land by protoplast fusion of alfalfa and birdsfoot trefoil .