
  • 网络Zebra Finch;Taeniopygia guttata;Poephila guttata
  1. 这可能说明,斑胸草雀在睡眠中也在练习唱歌。

    It might be said that the zebra finches were practising their songs while they slumbered .

  2. 那么,斑胸草雀从梦中醒来后是否记得自己的梦呢?

    Do zebra finches remember their dreams as dreams when they 're shaken out of their sleep ?

  3. 芝加哥大学的生物学家阿米什·戴夫(AmishDave)和丹尼尔·马格赖许(DanielMargoliash)观察了斑胸草雀的大脑,并有了类似的发现。

    University of Chicago biologists Amish Dave and Daniel Margoliash looked into the brains of zebra finches and discovered something similar .

  4. 本文运用在体场电位电生理记录的方法,研究了成年雄性斑胸草雀(Taeniopygiaguttata)HVC-RA突触的电生理特性。

    Electrophysiological properties of HVC-RA synaptic transmission in adult male zebra finch ( Taeniopygia guttata ) in vivo was investigated by using field potential recording method .

  5. 斑胸草雀鸣肌的形态观察

    Morphological observation of syringeal muscles in zebra finch

  6. 研究者们基于这些神经细胞的活动模式就可以判定斑胸草雀唱到了哪个音符。

    Researchers can determine which note was sung based on the firing patterns of those neurons .

  7. 当斑胸草雀醒着的时候,在它们唱到某些特定音符时,其前脑中古纹状体粗核部位的神经细胞就会开始活动。

    When they 're awake , the neurons in part of the finches ' forebrain called the robutus archistriatalis fire following their singing of particular notes .

  8. 不像雄性歌雀,斑胸草雀不会给它们的潜在配偶评判的机会,如果生病了,它会在其他同类面前装作很健康的样子,在它有机会结交配偶的情况下尤其如此。

    Unlike male song sparrows , zebra finches aren 't giving their potential mates the opportunity to judge . If a zebra finch is sick , it will fake being healthy in front of other zebra finches , especially if there 's a chance to mate .