
  • 网络Instant Messaging
  1. 即时通信软件在Internet上已经非常流行。

    The Instant Messaging software is already very popular on the Internet .

  2. 最后讨论了在IPv6下将P2P技术应用到即时通信软件中的优势和发展前景。

    At last , the superiority and foreground of P2P technology used for Instant Messaging software under the IPv6 environment are discussed .

  3. 基于RTC技术的即时通信软件的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Instant Messaging Software Based on RTC

  4. 当前即时通信软件的开发主要是从协议的底层来进行研究,主要利用的是几大开源协议栈以及基于这些协议栈之上的通信API接口等。

    The current development of instant communication software is mainly based on low layer protocols and some communication API , which mainly make use of several open source protocol stack .

  5. 越来越多的即时通信软件(Instantmessenger,IM),如MSN,QQ等都提供了对视频通讯的支持。

    More and more Instant Messenger ( IM ), such as MSN , QQ and so on , provide the support of video communications .

  6. 在南非,微信陷入了与WhatsApp对市场主导权的争夺战,后者是Facebook在今年2月份斥资190亿美元收购的即时通信软件。

    In South Africa , it 's locked in a battle for market domination with WhatsApp , the messaging app Facebook bought in February for $ 19 billion .

  7. 同时深入分析全球用户最多的即时通信软件MSN等软件,实现了对其通信内容的解析还原。

    While achieved a resolution to restore the contents of MSN communications by deeply analyzed the instant messaging software MSN which was most widely used . 5 .

  8. 在此基础上深入剖析了国际范围应用广泛的即时通信软件MSN的通信协议,总结出了即时通信协议的数据包结构及其基本模型。

    On the base of it , communication protocol and login model of MSN are researched and analyzed . Instant Messaging communication protocol packet structure and its basic model are summarized .

  9. BlueIM:基于蓝牙的手机即时通信软件

    BlueIM : Cellphone Instant Messaging Software Based on Bluetooth

  10. 如果他们完全可以使用即时通信软件,肯定不想安排半小时的会议。

    And they 're not going to want to set up a half-hour meeting when they can just IM .

  11. 即时通信软件作为通信平台,在近十余年来取得了长足的发展,拥有非常庞大的用户群体。

    Instant messaging softwares have made great progress as a communication platform in the past decade and already commanded a large market niche .

  12. 由于免费服务的存在,使得制造商想要依靠销售即时通信软件来从企业中获取利益变得越来越难。

    The availability of free services is expected to make it difficult for vendors selling proprietary IM software to gain much traction within corporations .

  13. 互联网时代犯罪分子多以即时通信软件为工具进行网络诈骗等违法活动。

    In Internet era , a lot of criminals usually carry out Internet fraud and other criminal activities , using instant messaging software as a medium .

  14. 即时通信软件,提高了工作效率,办公费用也降低了,同时有了新的方法和思路,使人们关注该应用领域。

    Improving the efficiency of the customs , lowering office costs , along with offering new methods and ideas , this applications area attracts more and more attention .

  15. 但是,当下的即时通信软件有一个共性,就是必须在服务器提供服务的条件下,才能正常工作。

    However , the instant communication software now have a general character , that is to work normally only under the conditions of the server to provide services .

  16. 此系统主要采用了深度包检测识别技术对阿里旺旺即时通信软件及其各种具体业务进行识别和分类,实时地监测用户行为,并可对记录保存下来的数据进行用户行为分析。

    This system mainly uses DPI technology to identify Ali Want instant messenger software and a variety of specific application , monitors user behavior , and record the data for the analysis of user behavior .

  17. 为此公司、国家保证机密文件的安全性受到严重考验,通过即时通信软件可以将机密文件转移而不会被安检部门发觉。

    To this end , the security of confidential documents which belongs to the company , the State guarantees being severely tested , files can be transferred by real-time communication software prevent from finding by classified security department .

  18. 最后从系统系能和功能两方面入手对系统进行测试分析,结果表明系统能够达到设计要求,实现对部分即时通信软件即时文本数据,文件传输数据和语音视频数据的解析还原。

    Finally , this paper test and analysis the results in the aspects of functionality and performances , the result shows that the system can meet the design requirements , it implementation the analytical data reduction for MSN instant text application data , file transfer , voice and video data .

  19. 目前网络上有各种通信方式,有即时聊天通信软件-QQ、Gtalk、MSN,还有一些SNS交友社区的一些通信方式。

    Today , there are various ways of communication on the network , such as IM communication software-QQ , Gtalk , MSN , SNS dating community .