
  • 网络Immediacy;real time;real-time;Instantaneity;Instant
  1. 报纸缺乏电视的即时性。

    Newspapers lack the immediacy of television .

  2. 使用Ajax,可以创建更加丰富、更加动态的Web应用程序用户界面,其即时性与可用性甚至能够接近本机桌面应用程序。

    With Ajax , you can create richer , more dynamic Web application user interfaces that approach the immediacy and usability of native desktop applications .

  3. 行为心理学家科琳·斯威特说:“我们对人们做的心理推测就可以做出即时性决定,做出严格判断或做到心中有数。

    Corinne Sweet , an organisational behaviour psychologist , said : ' We make instant assumptions about people and can judge harshly or form fantasies .

  4. 消息流量&也称为类型B,提供了更高的保护程度,但是即时性较差。

    Messaging traffic & Also known as Type B , provides higher protection but is less immediate .

  5. ERP作为一种管理手段,因其集中体现了企业资源计划系统的即时性、集中性和远见性的特点,目前正被国内大中型企业所接受。

    As a means of management , ERP is accepted by domestic large and medium-size enterprises because of its character which is timely , centralized and farseeing .

  6. Email是自从互联网出现就诞生的一种通讯手段,它广泛被人们使用,缺点是即时性和交互性差。

    Email is a communicate mean which was bored since the internet appeared , it is widely used , but with the disadvantages of poor instance and interaction .

  7. 不过,奥运会拥有不可思议的社会影响力今年夏天的这届奥运会超过了以往任何一届,这得归功于Twitter的即时性而伦敦将会利用这个时髦因素。

    But the Olympic Games have incredible social power this summer more than ever , thanks to the instantaneous nature of twitter and London will look to harness the hip factor .

  8. 结论:表明只有在适当强度的噪声暴露后,才能引起SW-BAEP正相波的波幅即时性增大,并具有频率特性;

    Conclusion : The result indicated that only after appropriate intensive noise exposure , the immediate enhancing effect of amplitude of positive wave of SW-BAEP can be evoked , and with frequency characteristics ;

  9. 福克斯台周五宣布,这部由KieferSutherland扮演反恐特工JackBauer为男主角、以动作主打的即时性美剧就要在今年5月24日走完它全部8季的旅程。

    Fox announced Friday that its action-packed real-time show starring Kiefer Sutherland as anti - terrorism agent Jack Bauer will wind down at the end of its current eighth season on May 24 .

  10. 目的探讨支气管插管(EBI)是否能引起即时性气道峰压(PIP)升高及观察其升高的数值。

    Objective To determine whether endobronchial intubation ( EBI ) always causes an immediate increase in peak inflation pressure ( PIP ) and to meassure the magnitude of the increase .

  11. LBS的移动性、实用性、捆绑性、即时性和个性化的特点,吸引了众多厂商的参与,成为最受欢迎的移动服务之一。

    LBS have many features , such as mobility , practicality , binding nature , immediacy and personalization . All of these features have attracted a lot of companies to develop LBS , and LBS have become one of the most popular mobile services .

  12. 图象编码系统中解码的唯一性和即时性探讨

    The uniquely decodable code and instantaneous code in image coding system

  13. 即时性满足对宣传只是无害的娱乐吗?

    Is the promotion of instant sexual gratification just harmless entertainment ?

  14. 原始性和即时性是采集平台最大的两个特点。

    Originity and instantaneity are two greatest characteristics of collection platform .

  15. 这些数据资源的巨大价值在于它的即时性。

    The tremendous value of this data source has been its immediacy .

  16. 心理学家分析,现在的社会,人们更愿意将朋友划分为很多种,比如:青梅竹马、心灵慰藉、或者是即时性的朋友。

    Psychologists also know that people have'layers'of intimate and more distant friends .

  17. 教师情感的教育效果有即时性的和长期性的。

    The educational effects of teachers ' emotionality were temporary and long-time ;

  18. 小儿支气管插管对即时性气道峰压的影响

    Influence of pediatric endobronchial intubation on immediate peak inflation pressure

  19. 是时事报道的即时性使电视如此受到大众欢迎。

    It is the immediacy of events which makes television so popular .

  20. 对接受者来说,新闻价值是一种特殊的即时性信息效用。

    To the recipients , news value is a special immediate information effect .

  21. 长时记忆中目标信息的即时性通达

    The Instantaneous Accessibility of Goal-based Information in Long-term Memory

  22. 阅读中文时信息整合的即时性

    Immediacy of Integration in Reading Chinese Sex education Q & A on Sex

  23. 与商品组相关部门密切沟通,保持信息的即时性;

    Communicate with related department within commodity closely to keep the information updated ;

  24. 口语表述的即时性及与此相关的口语特点&对一篇讲词的分析

    The Randomization of Spoken Language and the Relevant Characteristics An Analysis of a Speech

  25. 认知语境是动态的,具有即时性和选择性的特点。

    Cognitive context is dynamic , and it has the characteristics of immediacyand selectivity .

  26. 摆好改编作品永久性与即时性之间的关系;

    Deal with the relationship well between permanence and temperance of the adapted works ;

  27. 报纸缺乏电视的即时性。

    Newspapers lack the immediacy of televison .

  28. 即时性评价与阶段性评价、定性评价与定量评价、绝对性评价与相对性评价相配合的评价方法。

    Combining immediate and stage evaluation , qualitative and quantitative evaluation , absolute and relative evaluation .

  29. 强噪声引起听觉脑干慢波电位的即时性增大效应

    Immediate enhancing effect of slow wave of brainstem auditory evoked potential induced by intensive noise exposure

  30. 而且系统分类具有即时性,聚类方式直观明了。

    Moreover the system has the property of real-time classification with simple and clear clustering style .