
jí xìnɡ qǔ
  • impromptu
  1. 第三部分论述了《即兴曲》的创作背景及重要地位;

    The third part discusses the background and important role of impromptu .

  2. 舒伯特《降B大调钢琴即兴曲》的演奏

    Performing Schubert 's Impromptu in bB Major for Piano

  3. 《升C小调幻想即兴曲》在创作手法上集中体现了肖邦本人独特的浪漫主义特色的创作风格。

    66 centrally embodies romantic characteristics and Chopin 's unique composing technique .

  4. 有一次我哥哥弹肖邦的幻想即兴曲,我们看到有人跟着曲子唱起来。

    Once my brother played the Fantasy Impromptu by Chopin , I heard someone singing along .

  5. 音乐作品的诠释学分析与文化性解读&肖邦《第一即兴曲》作品29的个案研究

    Hermeneutic Analysis and Cultural Interpretation of Musical Works-Case Study of Chopin 's First Impromptu , Op.29

  6. 他打听火车时刻表只是一段纯粹的即兴曲。

    His call for a book of the trains had been a sheer piece of impromptu .

  7. 本文所研究的《即兴曲(作品90)》,是舒伯特钢琴音乐中重要的代表作品之一。

    The Impromptus ( Op.90 ) studied in this paper is one of the representative works of Schubert piano music .

  8. 即兴曲、音乐瞬间是他钢琴作品中两种重要的体裁,对以后作曲家的创作影响深远。

    Impromptu and Moments musicaux are the important genres in his piano works , which created the far-reaching impacts on future composers .

  9. 可以说,从他们身上我们就可以看出整个浪漫主义时期即兴曲这一钢琴体裁的发展脉络。

    We can say that from them we can see that the entire Romantic period piano Impromptu in this genre of the school .

  10. 在这样的时代环境下,钢琴音乐的创作出现了一些带有浓重抒情气息的新体裁&即兴曲。

    In this era of environment , the creation of piano music there are some flavor with a strong lyrical new genre - Impromptu .

  11. 舒伯特的八首即兴曲开辟了浪漫主义钢琴小品的先河,音乐优雅、精致、抒情动人。

    Schubert 's eight impromptus , considered as the precursor of the romanticism of piano pieces , are graceful , exquisite , lyrical and moving .

  12. 通过对八首即兴曲的曲式结构、旋律特点、和声语言方面分析其音乐形态的特征,从而进一步阐述所具有的浪漫主义情感特征在作品中的体现。

    Through the musical form structures , melody features , and harmonic language of the eight impromptus , this article analyzes their characteristics of music shape , and thus further elaborates the emotional characteristics of romanticism embodied in the works .

  13. 本文运用文献参阅和理论分析为主要研究方法,结合自己的弹奏,从感性和理性相结合探析即兴曲的演奏与教学。

    With literature reference and theoretical analysis as the main research approach , combining her own practice of piano performance , the author of this article studies and analyzes the performance and teaching of impromptus in the aspects of perception and reason .

  14. 处于古典主义和浪漫主义过渡时期的舒伯特成为了这一钢琴小品体裁的奠基者,后来的浪漫主义的钢琴音乐大师肖邦则承袭了舒伯特的衣钵,将即兴曲的创作推向了另一个高度。

    Classicism and romanticism in the transition period Schubert piano pieces in this genre has become the founder , and later master of romantic piano music , Schubert , Chopin was carried on the legacy , the creation of improvised music into another a high degree .

  15. 本文通过对舒伯特《降E大调即兴曲》作品演奏的角度,通过对创作形式、表现手法以及应当注意的问题进行探讨,找出舒伯特音乐的一些规律,以便更准确地表现其作品的灵魂。

    Through the study on the perspective of Schubert ′ s work " Falls E Major Impromptu ", the creative forms ,, this paper explores the manifestations and the practices and some rules of the Schubert ′ s music to order to accurately display the soul of the work .