
diàn yǐnɡ mí
  • movie fan
  1. 我是个超级电影迷。

    I am a big movie fan .

  2. 过去几年是电影迷的美好时光。

    The last few years have been a good time to be a movie fan .

  3. 电影迷就是moviebuff,buff表示“狂热爱好者”。2.Ann的第一个问题是,What'syourfavoritemovieofalltime?有史以来你最喜欢哪部电影?

    Ann : What 's your favorite movie of all time ?

  4. 研究者人员BrianWansink,有一项报告作了个试验,研究了电影迷们看电影时盛放爆米花所使用大号或者超大号的容器会带来的后果。

    Researcher Brian Wansink said one study looked at moviegoers eating popcorn from either extra large or large containers .

  5. 加拿大变形金刚真人电影迷都在为一种享受。

    Canadian Transformers Live Action Movie Fans are in for a treat .

  6. 科幻电影迷可以科幻电影或书籍中的情节聚会。

    Fans can go to conventions based on the movies and books .

  7. 过份热情的电影迷;一个过份热情的经理。

    Overzealous movie fans ; an overzealous manager .

  8. 安迪是个不折不扣的电影迷。

    Andy 's a real film buff .

  9. 哈金斯是个电影迷。

    Huggins was an movie buff .

  10. 我们都是电影迷。

    We are all movie fans .

  11. 你是不是个电影迷?

    Are you a film fan ?

  12. 我十岁了,我不是一位足球迷,而是一个电影迷。

    I 'm ten . I 'm not a football fan , but a film fan .

  13. 你是电影迷吗?

    Are you a film goer ?

  14. 也许我并不是一个经典电影迷,但我读过“大鼻子情圣”。

    I may not be a huge classic film buff , but I have read Cyrano .

  15. 许多书迷和电影迷对翻拍电视剧的消息表示质疑。

    Many fans of the books and films appeared sceptical about the news of a TV version .

  16. 他在服兵役时认识一个狂热的电影迷后对拍电影产生兴趣。

    He became interested in making movies after he met a big movie fan during military service .

  17. 亨利真是个电影迷,每星期最少看五场电影。

    Henry is really a movie bug , going to the cinema at least five times a week .

  18. 她是个完美的娱乐家,不论是同行,或是电影迷、电视迷都很喜欢她。

    She is the consummate entertainer , equally beloved by her peers in the industry , movie fans and television viewers .

  19. 众所周知昆汀是一个超级亚洲电影迷,尤其醉心港式动作电影。

    Mr Tarantino is a well-known Asian movie fan , and he is publicly an aficionado of Hong Kong style action movie .

  20. 到网上随便搜索一下,你就会发现星战在许多电影迷心中已远不是一部电影那麽简单了,它已成为了一种信仰。

    A casual surf of the Internet shows how many moviegoers speak of Star Wars not as a film , but a religion .

  21. 英国的电影迷们已经迫不及待地期望着观看圣诞档期电影。

    Cinema goers in the UK are licking their lips in anticipation of the films to be released in time for the Christmas holidays .

  22. 欧文(饰演多莉特,凯莉的妹妹):在剧中我是一个电影迷,因此,为了了解那个年代我会去看《紫雨》。

    Stefania Owen ( Dorrit , Carrie 's younger sister ): I 'm a movie buff so I watched Purple Rain to investigate the era .

  23. 军事电影迷们最期待的莫过于影片中先进的武器装备和激烈的战斗场面。《战狼》定能让你们心满意足。

    What fans expect most from military themed action movies is no doubt advanced weaponry and fierce fight scenes , and Wolf Warriors delivers in full .

  24. 电影迷认识她,可能是基于英国导演力克布隆菲执导的两出精细纪录片,它们在多个电影节放映后,被搬上舞台。

    Film buffs will know her from two fine documentaries by British director , Nick Broomfield , which had theatrical release after being screened at many film festivals .

  25. 电影迷们很快就能在北京国际电影节上庆祝一场视觉盛宴了,该电影节上还将放映近500部高质量电影。

    Movie buffs will soon be able to celebrate with a visual feast at the Beijing International Film Festival , where nearly 500 high quality films will be shown .

  26. 项目的一个关键干系人是一个电影迷,而且她有权对项目的成败做出评价。

    One of the key stakeholders is a huge movie buff , and she has the power to promote you into a better position at the conclusion of this project .

  27. 所以那天晚上,我就和一个爱情电影迷(嘿,我女朋友)花了几个小时一起看完这个情意绵绵的电影。

    So , that evening , I sat down with a renowned expert in the field of romantic movies ( aka my girlfriend ) to sit through a couple of hours of slush .

  28. 有关这个地方的信息很少,和答案相比,它留给我们的是更多的疑惑。电影院奇怪的位置设置是由一位法国的电影迷DiynnEadel在1990年建造而成的。

    Information about this place is very scarce , and it leaves us with more questions than answers.The oddly situated setup was built by a French film buff named Diynn Eadel in the 1990s .

  29. 照片中的它看起来像个“黑武士”。来自汉普郡的40岁的艾玛是一个科幻电影迷,最近这些年来,作为小鸟和松鼠的喂养着,她想出了许多新奇的点子。

    And it looked like a Darth Vader from the picture . Sci-fi fan Emma , 40 , from Hampshire , has created several novelty items as bird and squirrel feeders over the years .

  30. 没想到,我看电影入了迷,结果完全忘记了时间。

    When the last movie had finished , I looked down at my watch .