
  • 网络Motor industry;Electro
  1. 日本电机工业会倡导的FL-net网是开放式的FA控制网络,采用标准的通信协议,方便实现日系不同品牌PLC联网通信。

    Japan Electrical Manufacturers ' Association advocated FL-net network is an open FA control network , using standard communication protocols to facilitate the implementation of different brands of Japanese PLC network communication .

  2. 双馈电机的工业应用展望双馈感应电动机的鲁棒H∞控制

    Prospects of Industrial Application of Doubly fed Machine Robust H_ ∞ control for double-fed induction motor

  3. 本文以DSP为控制核心,针对基于交流永磁同步电机的工业缝纫机控制系统进行研究,在理论分析和仿真验证的基础上,研制了实验样机,并对系统的各种自动控制功能进行了测试。

    In this paper , the control system with DSP as the central controller in industrial sewing machine using AC Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor ( PMSM ) is studied .

  4. 中高压、大容量电机在工业应用领域占有重要地位。

    Medium-high voltage motors play an important role in industrial applications .

  5. 直流电机是工业现场中常用的驱动设备。

    The DC motor is commonly used as driving equipment in the industrial scene .

  6. 直线振荡电机在工业标记打印机上的应用

    Application of linear motor in industry stylus movement

  7. 电机是工业控制领域和日常生活中主要的动力设备。

    Motor is the main driving equipment in industry control field and the daily life .

  8. 异步电机是工业、农业和交通等领域的主要动力设备。

    Induction motor is the major power equipment in industry , agriculture , transportation and other areas .

  9. 电机在工业领域有着举足轻重的地位,是工业生产正常进行的基本要素。

    Motor , a fundamental factor of industry , is very important to make the operation of factories normal .

  10. 无刷直流电机在工业、商业、航空、军事等领域中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Brushless DC motor ( BLDCM ) is playing more important effect in industrial , commercial , aviation , military and other fields .

  11. 摘要:随着现代电机制造工业的发展,对电机温度场计算准确性的要求越来越高。

    With the development of modern electrical machine manufacturing , calculation veracity of electrical machine temperature field is more and more cared for .

  12. 随着变频调速技术的发展,异步电机在工业传动领域中的应用越来越广泛。

    With the development of adjustable speed with variable frequency systems , the induction motor is applied more and more widely in the industrial drive .

  13. 此次会展由台湾区电机电子工业同业公会,商务部外贸发展事务局和杭州市政府共同举办。

    The fair is jointly sponsored by Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers ' Association , the Trade Development Bureau of Ministry of Commerce and Hangzhou Municipal Government .

  14. 随着科学技术的发展,电机在工业生产、日常生活中的用处越来越广泛,随之而来的对于电机性能的要求越来越高。

    With the development of science and technology , motor is more and more widely used in industrial production and in our daily life , therefore there are higher request on the performance of motor .

  15. 随着永磁材料、电力电子技术和大功率开关器件的发展,无刷直流电机在工业领域得到越来越广泛的应用。

    With the development of permanent magnet material , power electronics technology and high power switching devices , Permanent magnet brushless DC motors ( BLDCM ) have been more and more widely used in industry applications .

  16. 电机是工业应用及电能生产的基本装备,同时也是自动调节控制系统的核心部件之一,应用领域极为广泛。

    The motor is the basic equipment in the industry application and electric energy production . At the same time , it is one of the core parts in auto-control system . Its application field is very wide .

  17. 电机作为工业领域中的重要电气设备被越来越广泛的应用,其在实际生产过程中会不可避免的产生振动和噪声,影响设备的精确性和稳定性的同时也带来了噪声污染。

    As an important electrical device the motor has been widely used in the field of industrial control . In the actual process of production the motor produce vibration and noise inevitably , while noise pollution has been brought .

  18. 步进电机是工业控制中广泛应用的一种电机,其优点是可进行开环控制,无需速度传感器,具有较高的精度,因此在数控系统和办公设备中获得了广泛应用。

    The stepping motor is a popular type of motors in industrial control . It has the capability to conduct precise open-loop control without speed or position sensors , thus has been widely applied in office and factory automation applications .

  19. 对21世纪我国的电力工业、电机制造工业、电力变压器制造工业和强电弱电相结合的一些电气技术作了较全面的综述,并展望了电气工程的发展前景。

    This paper describes the prospect of electrotechnology development of China in the 21st century , dealing with electrical power engineering , manufacturing technology for electrical machines , and developing tendency of power transformer and some new technique in electrical apparatus and electromechanic systems .

  20. 针对无刷直流电机在工业应用中位置传感器带来的弊端,本文在分析目前常用的无位置传感器控制技术的基础上,重点研究了通过反电势检测转子位置的基本原理和实现方法。

    Position sensor in the brushless DC motor ( BLDCM ) applications in industry have many disadvantages . On the base of analysis of the common sensorless control techniques , this paper pays more attention to basic principle and method of the detection of rotor position through back-EMF .

  21. PLC(ProgrammableLogicController)控制步进电机在许多工业控制中应用广泛,本文介绍了PLC通过发送脉冲和方向信号给步进电机的驱动器,由驱动器来控制步进电机工作的原理。

    The application of step motor in control of programmable logic controller ( PLC ) is broad in many industry controls , this paper introduced PLC send out pulses and direction signals to drivers of step motor , and the principle of work of step motor in control of drivers .

  22. 直线电机在机床工业中的最新应用及技术分析

    The Recent Application and Technology Analysis of Linear Motors in Machine Tools

  23. 高速电机在机械工业、国防工业等各个方面都获得了广泛的应用。

    High-speed motors are applied in all area such as machine industry and national defense industry .

  24. 电机是整个工业、军事领域和民用行业的主要动力环节。

    Motor is a major power part of the whole industry , military and civilian sectors .

  25. 无轴承永磁薄片电机引起了工业界的关注。

    Recently , the bearingless permanent magnet ( PM ) slice motor has attracted the attention of industry .

  26. 其应用领域涉及电机控制、工业机器人、医疗电子、自动化等。

    The application area involves in electric machine control , industrial robot , medical electronics , automatic and so on .

  27. 异步电机在现代工业中的应用非常广泛,因此对异步电机的高性能控制显得异常重要。

    Induction motor is widely used in modern industry , so high performance control of induction motor drives is urgently required .

  28. 随着电机在现代工业领域中的广泛应用,社会对电机铁芯级进模的需求也不断增加。

    With the wide application of motor in the field of modern industry , the demand for motor core of progressive die is increasing significantly .

  29. 电机是现代工业的主要动力源,在实际应用时,通常需要外接减速器来降低转速和提高转矩。

    Motor is the main power source of modern industry . In general , a reducer is necessary for a motor to reduce its speed and improve its torque .

  30. 电机是目前工业生产中的主要动力来源,也是人们日常生活、工作、生产中的主要设备。

    The electric motor is the main source of power in modern industrial production , and it is one of the most important electric equipment in our daily life 、 work 、 manufacturing .