
  • 网络Circuit;electronic circuits;Electronics;electronic circuitry
  1. 电子电路中,共阻抗干扰对电路的正常工作带来很大影响。

    Inside the electronics electric circuit , the totally resistance interference influences the normal work of the electric circuit greatly .

  2. 本文介绍了数字电子电路的特点,数字电路故障的具体特征,检测和排除故障的基本方法,以及在检测过程中应注意的问题。

    This text introduced the characteristics of the arithmetic figure electronics electric circuit , concrete characteristic that arithmetic figure electric circuit break down , the examination breaks down with the basic method that expel , and in examine process , the problem that should notice .

  3. 剖析基于PC的电子电路虚拟设计平台

    Analysis on the PC-Based Virtual Design Platform for Electronic Circuits

  4. 用MATLAB语言实现功率电子电路数值仿真的一种方法

    A Method of Numerical Simulation for Power Electronic Circuits in MATLAB Language

  5. 这些研究对当前电子电路CAD技术起到了补充作用。

    These studies have played a complementary role on the current electronic circuits CAD technology .

  6. 用Microsoftvisio2003绘图,既简单又方便,是一种理想的绘制电子电路图的工具。

    Microsoft Visio 2003 is a good tool to draw electronic circuit diagram .

  7. 研究并实现了一种电子电路CAI(计算机辅助教学)教学系统。

    A teaching system of CAI for electronic circuit is researched and finished .

  8. 电子电路设计已广泛采用计算机辅助设计(CAD),SPICE是CAD中的优秀程序工具。

    Electron circuit design has widely made use of CAD , and SPICE is the good program tools .

  9. 该等效电路模型能够应用于电力电子电路的CAD设计之中,满足工程应用的需要。

    The proposed SPICE model is useful as a computer-aided design tool for analysis and design of circuits of power MOSFET ' s.

  10. EDA技术与电子电路实验教学的整合

    The Integration of EDA Technology and Electronic Circuit Experiment Teaching

  11. 电子电路实验中心EDA室的建设与应用

    Construction and Application of EDA Lab for Electronics Circuit Experimentation

  12. BPR及其在电子电路模块制造系统中的应用研究

    Research on BPR Theory and Its application in Electronic Circuit Module Manufacturing Systems

  13. PET前端电子电路中一个重要的因素是电子电路噪声,本文对PET前端电子电路的各种噪声源都做了深入的分析探讨。

    One of the most important factors of front-end electronics for PET is noise , and all the noise sources are discussed .

  14. 用PSPICE实现电子电路的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Electronic Circuit Realized by Using PSPICE

  15. 本文从CCD工作原理入手,对CCD电子电路部分进行了深入研究,设计了CCD的硬件电路。

    In this paper , the operating principle of CCD is described firstly , then the electronic circuit of CCD is studied deeply and designed .

  16. TIG焊中采用的高频振荡器,是邻近电子电路的严重干扰源。

    The high-frequence oscillator used in TIG welding is a serious interference source to the nearby electronic circuits .

  17. 电子电路的PSPICE程序辅助分析

    Electronic Circuit Assistant Analysis by PSPICE

  18. 利用PSPICE对电子电路进行仿真分析

    Electronic Circuit Simulation Analysis by PSPICE

  19. 文章对电子电路仿真软件Pspice作了简要介绍,给出了应用实例。

    The simulation software Pspice for electronic circuits is described in brief , and an application example is also given .

  20. 介绍了应用电子电路设计自动化(EDA)工具MAX+PlusII进行的数字电路设计。

    This paper introduces designing digital circuits by using MAX + PLUS II , which is the application ware of electronic design automation ( EDA ) tools .

  21. 可见在适当的电源电压和温度变化范围内,振荡电路的性能较好,可广泛应用在PWM等各种电子电路中。

    Because of the better performances with the change of appropriate supply voltage and temperature , this Oscillator Circuit can be widely used in many kinds of electronic circuits .

  22. 利用电子电路知识、PCB制板及单片机程序设计,实现了机器人控制的硬件电路设计。

    By using the knowledge of electronic circuits , PCB boards and microcontroller system program design , it implements hardware circuit design that controls by the robot .

  23. 随着科技的发展,电子电路的设计正逐渐摆脱传统的设计模式,而采用FPGA来设计电子电路正成为设计的趋势。

    With the development of the technology , the design of the electronic circuit is getting rid of traditional pattern , while using FPGA to design electronic circuit is becoming the trend of design .

  24. 通过用电子电路仿真软件PSpice的行为模型仿真功能的分析,提出了将PSpice应用于控制系统仿真的具体方案。

    The analog behavioral modeling option of PSpice is detailed . The simulation scheme of the control system by using PSpice is presented in this paper .

  25. 本文介绍在电话机中用电子电路代替传统的8H铁芯电感,可提高电话机的电磁兼容性,并降低电话机的生产成本。

    The article is about uses circuit instead of 8H iron inductance , enhance EMC of telephone , and depress costing of telephone .

  26. 锁相环(Phase-LockedLoop,PLL)在电子电路中的应用越来越多,技术也越来越成熟,但是高性能锁相环的设计依然是难点和热点。

    There are more and more applications about phase-locked loop in electronic circuits , and the technology is more and more mature , but the design of high-performance phase-locked loop is still difficult and hot .

  27. 以降压式DC-DC变换器为例,对功率电子电路中的混沌现象进行了探讨,并通过计算机仿真观察到了功率变换器随着输入电压VI的变化而呈现出的混沌波形。

    In terms of the example of a PWM controlled buck dc dc converter , one of the power electronics circuits , chaotic waves are observed numerically with the variation of input voltage .

  28. 该文将电力电子电路视为一类混杂动态系统,尝试在DC-DC变换器控制系统研究中引入切换线性系统的概念和理论。

    In this paper , power electronic circuits were considered as one type hybrid dynamic systems and the concept and theory of switched linear systems were introduced to DC-DC converter control systems .

  29. 通过这一实例较详细地说明如何用PSpice软件对高频电子电路进行仿真与性能分析。从而为高频电子线路的设计和教学提供了一个新的途径。

    Through this example it illustrates how simulate and analyze to high frequency electronic circuits with PSpice , it will provide new methodology of designing and teaching of high frequency electronic circuits .

  30. 本文通过一个简单的例子介绍了Veriloghdl语言的应用,对比地给出了功能仿真和时序仿真的波形,说明了实现电子电路的自动化设计(EDA)过程。

    This paper shows the process of electronic design automation and illustrates Verilog HDL application by an example . Waveforms of logic function simulation and time analyzer simulation are shown in a comparative way .