
bā jìn zhì
  • Octal;octonary number system
八进制 [bā jìn zhì]
  • 进位采用“逢8进1”的计数方法。计数基数是8。八进制数在其各位上可能出现的数字有8个,即为0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7。

八进制[bā jìn zhì]
  1. 选择NetworkID并输入Systemz服务器IP地址的前三个八进制数。

    Select Network ID and enter the first three octets of the System z server 's IP address .

  2. 分簇自组网中基于二相编码和区分服务的多信道MAC协议二&八进制编码法

    A Multi-channel MAC Protocol Based on Two-phase Coding and Service Differentiation for Cluster-based Ad Hoc Network

  3. 这些以其它计数制计数的数必须以开头,并紧跟b、o或者h来分别表示二进制、八进制或十六进制。

    Numbers in these other bases must be preceded by the character # followed by b , o , or h for binary , octal , or hexadecimal , respectively .

  4. 可以将基数指定为o(默认的八进制)、d(十进制)、x(十六进制)或n(未显示偏移)。

    The radix may be specified as o ,( octal , the default ), d ( decimal ), x ( hexadecimal ), or n ( no offsets displayed ) .

  5. 它能够显示ASCII的数据,小数,十六进制和八进制格式。

    It can display data in ASCII , decimal , hex , and octal formats .

  6. Python支持不同进制的整型字符串文本&八进制、十进制(最明显的!)

    Python supports string literals of integers of different bases octal , decimal ( obviously !), and hexadecimal and now binary has been added .

  7. 除了缺省的十进制计数制外W3Eval还支持二进制、八进制和十六进制。

    In addition to the default decimal base , W3Eval also supports binary , octal , and hexadecimal bases .

  8. 您可以将输出显示为八进制、十六进制、十进制、浮点数、包含反斜杠转义符的ASCII,或者指定的字符(nl表示换行、ht表示水平制表符,等等)。

    You can display output as octal , hex , decimal , floating point , ASCII with backslash escapes , or named characters ( nl for newline , ht for horizontal tab , etc. ) .

  9. 将这些和早先的权限信息结合在一起,您可以看到对应greg的lpi101权限和drwxrwsr-t访问模式的完整的八进制表示是3775。

    Combining this with the earlier permission information , you can see that the full octal representation corresponding to greg 's lpi101 permissions and access modes of drwxrwsr-t is3775 .

  10. 提出了一种新的物理层网络编码方法,将无线网络中物理层网络编码采用的调制方法推广到八进制相移键控(8PSK)以及多进制相移键控(MPSK)。

    This paper presents a new physical-layer network coding ( PNC ) method , which extends the modulation method in PNC to8 phase-shift keying ( 8PSK ) and M-ary phase-shift keying ( MPSK ) .

  11. 通过对传统载波数据传输方式的分析,介绍一种新型电力线载波数据传输装置,采用八进制正交振幅调制替代频移键控调制,实现上音频复用传输1200bps数据。

    With the analysis of traditional data transmitting method in power line carrier channel , this paper introduces a new transmission device which adopts octal quadrature amplitude modulation instead of frequency shift keying to achieve the requirement of multi-purpose 1 200 bps data transmitting .

  12. 您还可以使用八进制取代符号设置权限。

    You can also set permissions using octal numbers instead of symbols .

  13. 如果给定的是十进制数,则返回八进制的值。

    Returns an octal value when given a decimal number .

  14. 可以用十进制、十六进制或八进制记数法定义整数常数

    Integer constants can be defined in decimal , hex or octal notation

  15. 八进制数由一个附加的下标8来识别。

    Octal numbers are identified by a trailing 8 subscript .

  16. 按这种方法设置的权限使用高达4位八进制数字。

    Permissions set in this way use up to four octal digits .

  17. 验证前,请指定接收的输入八进制位的数目。

    Specifies the number of input octets that are received before authentication .

  18. 返回一个表示一个数的八进制值的字符串

    Returns a string representing the octal value of a number

  19. 八进制:以8为基数的数学制度。

    Octal : Mathematical system with a base of 8 .

  20. 二&八进制编码法基于二维离散余弦变换的图像数据压缩编码

    The Image Date Compression Coding Based on 2-D DCT

  21. 支持不同一些的基础,包括二进制,八进制和十六进制。

    It supports numbers of different bases , including binary , octal and hexadecimal .

  22. 操作数可以是变量,还可以是十进制、十六进制、八进制或二进制数。

    Operands can be variables or decimal , hexadecimal , octal , or binary numbers .

  23. 使用八进制数字和基数8记数的一种位置法。

    A positional system of numeration that uses octal digits and a radix of 8 .

  24. 抗辐射具有明确的八进制D型触发器。

    Radiation-hardened octal D-flip-flop with clear .

  25. 高速光传输系统中八进制差分相位幅度键控性能分析

    Analysis of the Transmission Performance of Octal Differential Phase-Amplitude-Shift Keying in High Speed Optical Fiber Communication System

  26. 八进制的程序更新系统

    Octal program updating system

  27. 二进制遗传算法和八进制遗传算法的函数优化结果比较

    The Eight Brothers Comparison between optimization of function achieved by genetic algorithm with binary code and octal code

  28. 二进制编码的八进位数八进制(Base8)是用数字中的一个前置0以及0-7的数位指示的。

    BCO [ Binary-Coded Octal ] Octal ( base 8 ) is denoted by a leading zero in the number and digits from 0-7 .

  29. 计算机仿真结果表明二进制编码遗传算法在函数优化中要优于八进制编码遗传算法。

    The simulation results show that the genetic algorithm with binary code has more advantage than that with octal code in the optimization of function .

  30. 进制转换器:可输入二进制、八进制、十进制、十六进制数;将已输入的数转换成其余进制的数;具有输入输出界面。

    Hex converter : Enter a binary , octal , decimal , hexadecimal number the number has been entered into the rest of hexadecimal numbers with input and output interface .