
  • 【辩证法】theory of the Eight Trigrams
  1. 更荒谬的是还有八卦说他们一起生了个女儿。

    Even more absurd is the gossip that they had a daughter together .

  2. 最臭名昭著的一件事,至少在事后看来,还要算是2007年年底的那次,这个技术圈八卦博客说,PayPal的联合创始人与Facebook的早期重要投资者彼得·蒂尔(PeterThiel)是同性恋。

    Most notoriously , at least in retrospect , the tech gossip blog said in late 2007 that Peter Thiel , who co-founded PayPal and was an early and significant investor in Facebook , was gay .

  3. 但记住,不要八卦或者说一些之后会带来不好影响的话。

    But remember not to gossip or say anything that can backfire later .

  4. 据八卦网站说,比伯愤怒的邻居在二楼的阳台看到这位歌手的行为,向他吼道,你在干什么?

    According to gossip site , the angry resident saw the Boyfriend singer from his second-floor balcony and yelled down , What the hell are you doing ?

  5. 不要八卦,不要说别人坏话。

    Avoid gossiping and talking badly about people .

  6. 总的来说,喜欢八卦,喜欢说别人坏话的人这么做事因为他们希望这种比较能让他们看起来好点。

    Generally speaking , the people who like to gossip , who like to speak badly of others , do so because they hope by comparison to make themselves look better .

  7. 八卦网站TMZ报道说共同执行人约翰布兰卡和约翰麦克莱恩已经就该节目写信给频道总裁,这个节目预计下月在英国播出。

    TMZ reports that co-executors John Branca and John McClain have written to the networks president regarding the programme , which is due to air in the UK next month .

  8. 不要以为和八卦的人比较友好就能保障你的安全——八卦的人会说任何人的闲话。

    Don 't think that being friendly with the office gossip will keep you safe - gossips talk about everyone .