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  • 网络eighth century
  1. 波斯人不想回到黑暗的八世纪。

    Persians do not want to roll back the clock to the eighth century .

  2. 据史料记载,维京人最早入侵不列颠群岛是在八世纪末;

    The first Viking invasions into the British Isles were recorded in the late eighth century ;

  3. 中国人大概从八世纪时开始制作朱砂雕漆。

    The Chinese began carving cinnabar lacquer in approximately the8th century .

  4. 但本文认为,萨珊残存王朝继续存在到八世纪中期。

    But we think that the remaining dynasty continued to exist till mid-eighth century .

  5. 美国革命如同十七八世纪英国的政治动乱一样,也是资产阶级性质的。

    Like the English political turmoil of the 17th and 18th centuries , the American revolution was bourgeois .

  6. 从八世纪到九世纪,任何一个袭击欧洲海岸的斯堪的那维亚人。

    Any of the Scandinavian people who raided the coasts of Europe from the 8th to the 11th centuries .

  7. 他是八世纪的一位大主教和两代英王的大臣,以慈善行为和建造教堂而闻名。

    He was an eighth-century bishop , chancellor to two Eng1ish kings , and famous for charitable deeds and building churches .

  8. 意大利面被广泛的认为是在公元八世纪时,由征服西西里岛的阿拉伯入侵者所带到意大利的。

    Pasta is widely thought to have originated from Arab invaders who conquered Sicily in the eight century fed by slow-release carbohydrates .

  9. 突厥是公元六世纪到八世纪活跃于中国西北和北方草原的古代游牧民族。

    The Turks were ancient nomads active on the northwestern and northern grasslands of China from the sixth to the eighth centuries .

  10. 认为这些文献主要出现在以敦煌为主的陇县地区,其中的部分文献出现于公元八世纪中叶。第三章:论述诉讼书的形式。

    The research indicates that part of the literature appeared in the 8th century . Chapter ⅲ: Discusses the form of litigation .

  11. 回教文化在八世纪时达到全盛时期,造纸技术在此时向西传到伊拉克的巴格达。

    The art of paper making reached westwards to Baghdad , Iraq in the 8th century at the height of the Islamic culture .

  12. 八世纪前中国纪时日食观测和地球转速变化

    The eight brothers the timing solar eclipses recorded in China and the secular changes in the earth 's rotation before the 8th century

  13. 他生活在七、八世纪。(具体的生卒日期不详。)

    He lived sometime during the 8th and 9th centuries . ( The exact date of his Birth and death are unknown . )

  14. 七到八世纪被普遍认为是唐朝甚至整个中国文明的顶峰。

    The 7th to the 8th century was generally considered the zenith point of the Tang dynasty , and arguably the whole Chinese civilization .

  15. 八世纪中叶后,唐朝由盛转衰,无力顾及对边疆民族的管理。

    After the mid-18th century , the Tang Dynasty from prosperity to decline , can not take care of the management of the frontier nation .

  16. 八世纪中叶,东、西突厥汗国相继灭亡,其后裔融入了其他民族之中。

    In the middle of the eighth century , both the Eastern and Western Turki khanates disappeared , their descendants being assimilated by other ethnic groups .

  17. 如今在卢浮宫里,人们还可以看到一幅创作于八世纪的壁画,画中的奥尼斯是一条雄性人鱼,上身为人形,长着一条貌似鱼尾的尾巴。

    In the Louvre today can be seen an eighth century wall-scene depicting Oannes as a merman , with a fish-like tail and the upper-body of a man .

  18. 据悉,亚历山大东港在第八世纪因一场地震被遗弃,从那时开始它就从未被开发过,成为一个开放的海湾。

    It is known that Alexandria 's Eastern Harbor was abandoned after another earthquake , in the eighth century , and was left untouched as an open bay .

  19. 英国足球可以追溯至八世纪,那时还是一项野蛮的运动,比赛中嘴咬、脚铲、拳击屡见不鲜。

    Soccer in Britain goes back to the eighth century , when soccer was played as a violent game where biting , gouging , and punching were not uncommon .

  20. 从公元七世纪到八世纪,这段历史将以或有趣或重要的简约叙述形式展现在读者面前。

    From the seventh to the eleventh century , the obscure interval will be supplied by a concise narrative of such facts as may still appear either interesting or important .

  21. 稍后一些时候,他们部落的一些人迁徙到了现在西伯利亚的南部地区并且沿着叶尼塞河定居下来。从六世纪到八世纪一直居住在那里。

    Later , some of their tribes migrated to the region that is currently southern Siberia and settled along the Yenisei River , where they lived from the6th until the8th centuries .

  22. 本文显示,自十九世纪中早期以来,在英国个人的特定的名字的频率分配已不同于它在以前的八世纪期间的演化。

    This paper shows that , since early in the nineteenth century , the frequency distribution of personal given names in England has evolved differently than it did over the previous eight centuries .

  23. 从渤海使臣出使日本所见日本的外交礼仪具有如下特点:日本在公元八世纪已设置专门负责管理外交事务的使臣,同时设立负责翻译的专职人员。

    The characteristics of Japan protocol that could be seen during the period of Bohai envoy visited Japan were as follows : foreign relation affairs , and professional staffs were in charge of translation .

  24. 这个节日在八世纪的时候从中国传到日本。在日本,其实有两个七夕节,根据阳历和阴历而分别在不同的日子。

    The festival came to Japan from China in the eighth century . 4 In Japan , there are actually two Star Festivals , falling on different days according to the solar and lunar calendars .

  25. 而之前,同一批德国科学家们在委内瑞拉海岸附近的卡里亚科盆地的沉积岩中也发现了类似的结构,暗示在八世纪晚期的时候,墨西哥附近也遭遇了同样的干旱。

    A comparable pattern to that found in China was seen in Cariaco basin sediment off the Venezuelan coast , indicating that a similar drought may have hit nearby Mexico in the late eighth century .

  26. 对如今这一广为人知的生物的最早描述可以追溯到公元前八世纪,在那个时代,人们最开始视其为原始水神和具有超自然能力的雌性水怪。

    The earliest representations and descriptions of these now well-known creatures can be traced back as far as the eighth century BC , where merfolk got their beginnings as pagan water deities and supernatural female water beings .

  27. 到八世纪,立契日期位置开始后移,出现了位于契约第二项和契约后部的情况,并增加了土地四至的规定,契约也内容更为详尽。

    To the eighth century , the seat of writing contract date began to move backward . There have been two situations : in the second item and the latter part of the contract . At the same time , the content adds to the land boundaries .

  28. 该论文也提出现存的所有鼠疫杆菌菌株都可以追朔到黑死病,而不是像之前所认为的来源于六到八世纪先后数次席卷欧洲的查士丁尼大瘟疫。

    The paper also suggests that every existing strain of Y.pestis can be traced to the black death , and not to the plague of Justinian , a series of epidemics which hit Europe in the sixth , seventh and eighth centuries , as had been previously thought .

  29. 我并不是在暗示退出欧盟将使英国八个世纪以来取得的进步付诸东流,把“硅沼”(SiliconFen)变回沼泽。

    I am not suggesting that Brexit would reverse eight centuries of progress , returning " Silicon Fen " to marshland .

  30. 我也许会度过七个,甚至八个世纪的生命。那我该走怎样的路呢?

    What course for me , then , who might know seven centuries of life , even eight , perhaps ?