
  1. 《古史辨》及疑古学派之我见

    Discussion on the Skeptical School and Their Discrimination of Ancient History

  2. 朱舜水思想对日本古学派的影响。朱舜水的思想对伊藤仁斋有直接的影响。

    Four , Zhu Shunshui thought to Japanese ancient study influenceZhu Shunshui 's thought has the direct influence to the cane kind room .

  3. 帕特里西雅是西澳大利亚古埃及学派的负责人,她在那里讲授埃及历史和象形文字。

    Patricia is an Executive of the Ancient Egypt Society of Western Australia , where she lectures on Egyptian history and teaches hieroglyphics .

  4. 古希腊智者学派逻辑思想略论

    On the logic thought of ancient Greek sophists

  5. 综观科学史,科学美发源于古希腊毕达哥拉斯学派的数学理性传统。

    Reviewing the history of science , scientific aesthetics stems from the Pythagorean traditional mathematical rationality in ancient Greece .

  6. 古希腊伊壁鸠鲁学派认为,功利主义所追求的快乐是一种精神上的快乐,而不是肉体是上的快乐。

    Epicureans of ancient Greece that the pursuit of happiness utilitarianism is a spiritual joy , not the flesh is the joy .

  7. 我们注意到,尽管古希腊各个学派的美学思想不尽相同,但在主张艺术是对自然的摹仿上则基本是一致的。

    We notice that though ancient Greek schools were different in aesthetic thoughts , they are solidly united in the view that art was the imitation of nature .

  8. 公元前207年:古希腊斯多葛学派的哲人克里斯帕斯笑死了,因为他看见一只喝醉的驴子试图去吃无花果。

    BC : Chrysippus , a Greek stoic philosopher , is believed to have died of laughter after giving his donkey wine then seeing it attempt to eat figs .

  9. 古希腊智者学派的逻辑思想适应社会需要而产生,强调任何事物的一物两面。

    It was to meet the social needs that the logic thought of ancient Greek sophists had occurred , which claimed that there were at least two opposite sides to every issue .

  10. 这就是被称作古希腊小苏格拉底学派之一的犬儒主义学派。

    This is known as one of the ancient Greek small Socrates which called cynicism .

  11. 综合来看,古希腊犬儒主义学派的观点受到智者学派的思想启示,也继承了苏格拉底的某些主张,产生于古希腊社会转型期矛盾激化的时代背景之下。

    On the whole , the cynics school of ancient Greece that inherited the view of The Sophists and Socrates , appeared in the era background of intensified social conflicts .

  12. 后因追随者众多且思想独特自成一派,这个哲人群体又被称作古希腊犬儒主义学派。

    As a consequence , these misanthropic and perverse philosophers are called cynics . Eventually the group is called the cynics school of ancient Greece due to many followers and unique idea .