
  • 网络Classical political economy;classical political economics
  1. 古典政治经济学认为,土地是财富之母。

    According to classical political economy , the nature is the mother of wealth .

  2. 政治收益、经济贿赂与经济绩效:一个新古典政治经济学模型

    Political Gains , Economic Corruption and Economic Performance : a Model of New Classical Political Economy

  3. 弗朗索瓦·魁奈(FrancoisQuesnay,1694&1774)是法国启蒙思想家之一,资产阶级古典政治经济学奠基人之一,法国重农学派的创始人和重要代表。

    Francois Quesnay ( 1694-1774 ) was a French thinker of the Enlightenment , a founder of bourgeoisie classical plutonomy , a founder and representative of French physiocrats .

  4. 新制度经济学:经济学向古典政治经济学的复归

    New Institutional Economics , Economics restored to Classical Political Economics

  5. 古典政治经济学中的制度分析与完善社会主义市场经济体制的七点思考

    Institutional Analysis in Classical Political Economics and Some Thoughts on Perfecting Socialist Market Economic System

  6. 英国古典政治经济学

    Classical political economy in England

  7. 它不是古典政治经济学的复兴,而是经济学和政治学交叉研究的产物,它代表了西方经济学和政治学研究的发展趋势。关键词:政治学;

    It is not the resurrection of Classic Political Economics , but the outcome that economics and politics overlap .

  8. 在历史上,古典政治经济学们也在思考同样的问题并提出了很多有益的论述。

    Historically , the classical political economy also considers the same question and made a lot of useful discussion .

  9. 马克思通过对古典政治经济学和德国古典哲学的双重批判,确立了从人本质及其存在方式出发对历史动力问题的形而上学的阐释。

    Through the double criticism to classical political economy and German classical philosophy , Marx establishes the metaphysical interpretation of history motivity problems .

  10. 古典政治经济学的哲学批判马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的经济哲学思想定位

    Philosophical Criticism on Classical Political Economics & The orientation of the economic philosophical thinking in Marx 's The Manuscript of Economic-Philosophy in 1844

  11. 从某种意义上说,新制度经济学是对以斯密为代表的古典政治经济学传统的复归,同时又提供了新的理论工具并开辟了新的研究领域。

    In a sense we can say that new political economics recovered the thought of Adam · Smith and restored to classical political economics .

  12. 贡献之一是马克思主义政治经济学比重商主义和古典政治经济学更加科学地阐释了政治与经济的辩证关系;

    First , Marxist political economy offers a more scientific explanation for the dialectical relation between politics and economics than mercantilism and classical economics .

  13. 英国古典政治经济学的劳动价值论是指原始实物交换条件下的交换比例的决定法则,它必然同资本主义自由竞争条件下的商品价格决定和变动规律相抵触。

    The theory of labor value in the classical political economy of england refers to the law which decides the exchange rate of ancient trade pby barter .

  14. 在古典政治经济学的劳动价值论、黑格尔的劳动辩证法和马克思的异化劳动理论之间,保持着一种深刻的思想传承关系。

    From labor value theory of classical political economy and Hegel 's dialectics of labor to Marxist labor theory of alienation , there exists a profound relationship of ideological inheritance .

  15. 本章对经济增长决定因素理论进行综述,主要包括古典政治经济学的增长因素观、马克思的经济增长因素观、现代西方经济学的经济增长因素观。

    This part summarizes the theories of affecting factors on economic growth . Classical political economy 's theory , Marxian theory and the west modern economy 's theory are included .

  16. 资产阶级古典政治经济学的劳动价值论从产生、发展到终结,其对象、方法和内容是与商品经济的历史发展相适应的,其前后递嬗形成了一个经济思想的历史发展序列。

    In the classical political economics of bourgeoisie , labour theory of value adapted its object , method and content to the historical development of commodity economy . From its creation and development to its finality , its evolution took shape as a historical development succession of economic thoughts .

  17. 马克思通过对德国古典哲学和政治经济学的批判完成的哲学革命,使哲学的研究对象转向了现实的人类生活。

    Marx 's philosophical revolution , by criticizing of German classical philosophy and English classical political economy , changed the object of philosophy to realistic human life .

  18. 追寻马克思伦理批判的时代背景和思想渊源,当时他受到了德国古典哲学、空想社会主义和古典政治经济学的影响。

    Search for the historical background and ideological origins in the critique of Marxist ethics , he was influenced by German classical philosophy , Utopian socialism and classical political economy .

  19. 它的提出是马克思以其实践唯物主义的精神特质吸收、整合、批判、改造德国古典哲学特别是黑格尔哲学和费尔巴哈哲学以及资产阶级古典政治经济学优秀成果的必然结果。

    It was inevitable outcome of Karl Marx 's critical adoption and integration to German Classical Philosophy especially to Hegel 's philosophy , Feuerbach 's philosophy and the outstanding achievements of Classical Politics Economics with his characteristic of Practice Materialism .