
  1. 莱特纳。国际篮球史上破天荒第一次让NBA运动员参加奥运会的竞争。

    For the first time in international basketball history , NBA players were allowed to compete for the United States in Olympic competition .

  2. 十多年来,AOL和微软破天荒第一次遇到了真正的敌手。

    For the first time in a decade , AOL and Microsoft each face an adversary with real clout .

  3. 与此同时,他让都柏林破天荒第一次获得都市自治敕书。

    Meanwhile he gave to Dublin its first charter of municipal liberties .

  4. 他为我做了一顿饭,这对他来说是破天荒第一次。

    He cooked me a meal , which was a first for him .

  5. 她想到他的假日生活,这还是破天荒第一次。

    It was the first time he had even thought about the holidays .

  6. 你不知道吧,我也是破天荒第一次。

    It 's a first for me , too , in case you didn 't know .

  7. 这是破天荒第一次,把一大批又一大批的人送到这里来与冻土带打交道。

    For the first time , large numbers of people were brought into contract with the tundra .

  8. 毕竟这是烟草商破天荒第一次兜售治病良方,而不是传播疾病。

    But at least , for once , a tobacco firm is peddling a cure , rather than a disease .

  9. 蒂芙尼破天荒第一次以降价的促销手段应对经济危机,但是收效并不明显。

    Confronted with the economic crisis , Tiffany scaled down the price for promotion for the first time but not that effective .

  10. 这是那片海域破天荒第一次制作的地图,比此后不施魔法制作的好得多。

    They were the first maps ever made of those seas and better than any that have been made since without magic .

  11. 又一次有好吃的面包,没有肉,但是有可口的素菜和色拉,而且破天荒第一次,还有一杯啤酒。

    Again the good bread , no meat , fine vegetables and salad and , the one and only time , a glass of beer .