
pò shānɡ fēnɡ kànɡ dú sù
  • tetanus-antitoxin;TAT
  1. 脱敏注射破伤风抗毒素致过敏反应1例

    Allergic Reaction Caused by Desensitized TAT Injection

  2. 应用双抗原ELISA夹心法检测破伤风抗毒素效力的试验

    Detection of tetanus antitoxin titers by double antigen sandwich ELISA

  3. 其中早期气管切开、补充能量及鞘内注射破伤风抗毒素(TAT)患者疗效均较好。

    But the patients treated with early tracheostomy , nutrition supplement and intrathecal injection of TAT recovered better .

  4. 结论通过对比认为15U/ml的破伤风抗毒素皮试液为最佳皮试液。

    Conclusion Tetanus antitoxin skin test solution with concentration of 15u / ml is optimus .

  5. 动物实验证明此重组抗原具有良好的免疫原性,1μg免疫剂量可使动物产生1~2IU/ml的破伤风抗毒素,ELISA抗体滴度可达1∶800。

    Animal test showed good immunogenicity of the recombinant antigen . The antigen at a dosage of 1 μ g could induce 1 2 IU / ml of antitoxin with an ELISA titer of 1 ∶ 800 .

  6. 注射破伤风抗毒素发生Arthus反应1例

    A Case of Arthus Reaction Induced by Injecting of Tetanus Antitoxin

  7. 目前唯一有效的防治手段是及时注射精制破伤风抗毒素(TAT)或人破伤风免疫球蛋白(TIG),以中和血液中游离的毒素。

    At present , the unique effective therapy is to inject tetanus anti-toxin ( TAT ) or human tetanus immunoglobulin ( TIG ) into patient to neutralize the exotoxin .

  8. 205名育龄妇女免前血清破伤风抗毒素达到自然保护水平者占37.56%,抗毒素GMT(滴度倒数,下同)为3.88±5.12HAu/ml。

    The tetanus anti-toxin ( TAT ) titers of 205 ( 37 . 56 % ) women of childbearing age before immunization reached natural protective level , and GMT was 3 . 88 ± 5 . 12HAU / ml.

  9. 破伤风抗毒素阳性率从6905%上升至9881%,GMT由00332IU/ml上升为43801IU/ml。

    4IU / ml. The positive rate of the anti-tetanus toxin rose from 69 05 % to 98 81 % , the GMT from 0 033 ? 2IU / ml to 4 3801IU / ml.

  10. 建立了旋转振荡法配制弗氏不完全佐荆(IFA)抗原,并在精制破伤风抗毒素(TAT)生产中,与传统方法配制的IFA抗原进行比较。

    Established a rotating-shaking method for incomplete Freund 's . adjuvant ( IFA ) antigen 's preparation and compared this with IFA antigen which prepared by classic method when we produced highly finished tetanus antitoxin ( TAT ) .

  11. 应用IHA法对1318名15~45岁育龄妇女进行了破伤风抗毒素水平测定,阳性率8.80%,保护率7.97%,GMT0.0026IU/ml。

    The tetanus anti-toxin ( TAT ) level of 1318 women aged 15 ~ 45 years were detected by IHA . The results showed that TAT positlve rate and protective rate were 8.80 % and 7.97 % , respectively , and GMT was 0.0026IU/mI .

  12. 介绍了破伤风抗毒素(TAT)皮试液的配制方法、剂量、浓度及皮试部位的选择、对皮试结果判定、注射方法及临床实践中使用TAT注意事项。

    It introduced the influence of the preparing method , dose , concentration of tetanus antitoxin skin test fluid and selecting of location skin test on assessment of skin test result . It explained announcements for using TAT in clinical practice .

  13. 破伤风抗毒素(TAT)在临床上的使用比较多见,TAT皮试引起过敏性休克是过敏反应中最危险的一种,应引起基层医务人员的高度重视。

    Tetanus antitoxin ( TAT ) is clinically extensively applied . However , compared with other allergic reactions , the allergic reaction aroused by TAT skin test is the most dangerous and should thus be highly valued by grass-roots unit medical workers .

  14. 表明这些人源单抗在中和毒力方面能够取代精制破伤风抗毒素,可满足临床试验需求。

    These human monoclonal antibodies were novel replacement for clinical trial .

  15. 三种佐剂对破伤风抗毒素质量的影响

    Effect on the quality of Tetanus antitoxin immuned by three types adjuvant

  16. 破伤风抗毒素过敏反应二例

    Report of two cases on anaphylactic reaction to tetanus antitoxin

  17. 新型佐剂在破伤风抗毒素血浆生产中的应用研究

    Study on new types of adjuvant used for production of tetanus antitoxin plasma

  18. 破伤风抗毒素皮试方法及脱敏注射方法的研究进展

    Research progress on skin test methods and desensitization injecting methods of tetanic antitoxin

  19. 破伤风抗毒素过敏性休克1例报告

    Report on a case with anaphylactic shock due to use of tetanus toxoids

  20. 应用活性炭去除破伤风抗毒素热原质的研究

    Study on the utilization of active carbon to remove pyrogens from tetanus antitoxin

  21. 破伤风抗毒素精制效果的比较研究

    The study on refined effect of tetanus antitoxin s

  22. 破伤风抗毒素新用法的临床观察

    A New Way of Administration of Tetanus Antitoxin

  23. 避免破伤风抗毒素皮试结果假阳性的探讨

    The Clinical Technique of Avoiding False Positive Results of Tetanus Antitoxin for Skin Test

  24. 破伤风抗毒素脱敏注射致过敏性休克

    Anaphylactic shock following desensitization injection of tetanus antitoxin

  25. 破伤风抗毒素临床反应观察报告

    Observation of clinical study of tetanus antitoxin

  26. 破伤风抗毒素制备方法的改进

    Improvement of Prepared Method for Tetanus Antitoxin

  27. 两种配制破伤风抗毒素皮试液方法的比较观察

    A Comparison of Two Different Ways of Dispensing the Skin Test Solution of Tetanus Antitoxin

  28. 饮酒时间对破伤风抗毒素皮试影响的临床观察

    Clinical observation on influence of time of drinking of patients on skin test of tetanus antitoxin

  29. 目的降低破伤风抗毒素皮试液在临床应用中的假阳性率,提高应用破伤风抗毒素的准确性;

    Objective To lower false-positive rate of tetanus antitoxin skin test solution and raise accuracy of tetanus antitoxin in clinical practice .

  30. 白喉和破伤风抗毒素,各年龄组间平均抗毒素差异有非常显著性(P<0.01);

    Also , there was significant difference in antitoxin of diphtheria and tetanus between all age groups ( P < 0.01 ) .