
  • 网络tetanus vaccine;adsorbed
  1. 首先他们会在你的胳膊上注射破伤风疫苗。

    First they inject the tetanus vaccine into your arm .

  2. 世卫组织报告,正在提供破伤风疫苗,并且疟疾官员正开始喷雾以控制携带该病的蚊子。

    WHO reports that tetanus vaccine is being made available , and that malaria officers are beginning to spray to control the mosquitoes which carry the disease .

  3. 我接种了破伤风疫苗。

    I was vaccinated against tetanus .

  4. 医生建议破伤风疫苗要每十年注射一次。

    Doctors suggest getting a tetanus vaccination every ten years .

  5. 成年人每十年应该接种一次破伤风疫苗。

    Adults should be vaccinated against tetanus every ten years .

  6. 如果需要的话,注射一支破伤风疫苗。

    Get a tetanus shot , if needed .

  7. 深部伤口或较脏的伤口也需要破伤风疫苗的注射。

    A tetanus booster shot may be required if a wound is deep or dirty .

  8. 伤寒副伤寒甲乙破伤风疫苗

    D B vaccinetetanus toxoid

  9. 妇女接种破伤风疫苗不仅能预防新生儿破伤风,而且能预防妇女感染破伤风。

    Tetanus immunization of women not only prevents neonatal tetanus , it also provides women with protection against tetanus .

  10. 他说,该机构还给加沙带去了破伤风疫苗,这种疫苗可以挽救伤员的生命。

    He said the agency also has brought in tetanus vaccines , which are potentially life saving for wounded patients .

  11. 那些接种过预防麻疹、百日咳、白喉、破伤风疫苗的孩子对这些疾病有了免疫力。

    Children who are vaccinated against measles , whooping cough , diphtheria and tetanus are made immune to these diseases .

  12. 在破伤风疫苗接种率低的人群中,伤口感染容易造成破伤风引起的疾病和死亡。

    Contaminated wounds , particularly in populations where vaccination coverage levels are low , are associated with illness and death from tetanus .

  13. 在非洲,麻疹运动在分发蚊帐、除虫药片、维生素A补充剂、脊髓灰质炎疫苗,以及面向孕妇的破伤风疫苗。

    In Africa , measles campaigns are distributing mosquito nets , de-worming tablets , vitamin A supplements , polio vaccine , and tetanus vaccine for pregnant women .

  14. 虽然目前关于在妊娠初期3个月内使用流感疫苗的资料还很少,但有其他灭活疫苗(如破伤风疫苗)已被证明在此期间可以安全使用。

    Despite the paucity of data-related to the use of influenza vaccines during the first-trimester of pregnancy , other inactivated vaccines ( e.g. - tetanus ) have proved safe in this context .

  15. 伤寒Vi多糖、白喉、破伤风联合疫苗初探

    Preliminary observation of typhoid Vi polysaccharide , diphtheria and tetanus combined vaccine

  16. 白喉、百日咳及破伤风混合疫苗

    DPT [ diphtheria , pertussis , tetanus ] vaccine

  17. 成人型白喉破伤风联合疫苗接种7~8岁儿童的临床反应和血清学效果观察

    Observation of Clinical Reactions and Serological Effect of Adult Adsorbent Diphtheria - tetanus Vaccine in Children of 7 - 8 Years Old

  18. 相反,因冷冻而受损的样本的集合体的平均尺寸为700μm(白喉、百日咳及破伤风混合疫苗)和350μm。

    By contrast , aggregates in the freeze-damaged samples measured up to700 μ m ( diphtheria – tetanus – pertussis ) and350 μ m on average .

  19. 除此以外,“斯瓦尔巴全球种子库计划”主导人挪威政府对破伤风流产疫苗的研究赞助过4千1百万美元。

    In addition , the Government of Norway , the host to the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault , donated $ 41 million to develop the special abortive Tetanus vaccine .

  20. 多年来,为育龄妇女接种破伤风类毒素疫苗一直是发展中国家免疫规划的一个组成部分。

    Immunization of women of childbearing age with tetanus toxoid ( TT ) vaccine has for many years been an integral part of national immunization programmes in developing countries .

  21. WHOW发言人PaulGarwood表示,联合国机构和海地政府下周将为数千名5岁以下儿童接种麻疹,破伤风和白喉疫苗。

    WHO spokesman Paul Garwood says U.N. agencies and the Haitian government will conduct a campaign next week to hundreds of thousands of children under age five against measles , tetanus and diphtheria .

  22. 还有很重要的一点是,在离开美国前应接种最新的流感和破伤风等常规疫苗。65岁以上者接种带状疱疹疫苗能减少严重感染这种病毒的几率,这种病毒与儿时的水痘有关。

    It 's also important to be up-to-date on routine vaccinations such as flu and tetanus before leaving the U.S. A shingles vaccine for those over 65 can reduce the chance of being struck with a painful and debilitating case of the virus , which is related to childhood chickenpox .

  23. 此外,接种破伤风和DT加强疫苗后,在法国成人中也发现了MMF,而在其他国家这种做法也很广泛却没有发现MMF。

    Furthermore , MMF has also been observed in French adults following tetanus and DT boosters but not in other countries where these vaccines have also been widely used .

  24. 对6批吸附百日咳、白喉、破伤风、乙肝联合疫苗(DTPrHB),分别置不同温度、不同时间进行效力、安全稳定性试验。

    The stability of six lots of DTP rHB combined vaccine was studied on conditions of storage including at different temperature and different time .

  25. 吸附百日咳、白喉、破伤风、乙肝联合疫苗的稳定性研究

    Studies on the stability of DTP-rHB combined vaccine

  26. 目的考察武汉生物制品研究所研制的全细胞百日咳、白喉、破伤风、乙肝联合疫苗的安全性和免疫原性,探讨联合疫苗的免疫程序。

    Objective To investigate the safety , efficacy and immunization schedule of whole cell DTP combined with hepatitis B vaccine ( CHO ) produced by Wu Han National Biological Institute .

  27. 对破伤风和白喉组分抗体反应与一种已获允许证破伤风和白喉疫苗有可比性。

    The antibody responses to the tetanus and diphtheria components were compared with a licensed tetanus and diphtheria vaccine , and were found comparable .

  28. 目前国内已研制出肺炎球菌结合疫苗,但其使用的蛋白载体为破伤风类毒素或白喉类毒素,在将来的临床运用中可能会面临与破伤风疫苗或白喉疫苗冲突等问题。

    At present , the protein-polysaccharide conjugate pneumococcal vaccine has been developed in China . However , tetanus toxoid ( TT ) or diphtheria toxoid ( DT ) was regular used as protein carrier in general .

  29. 破伤风是由破伤风毒素引起的一种严重的痉挛性疾病,有效的预防方法是接种破伤风类毒素疫苗。

    Tetanus is a severe spastic disease caused by tetanus toxin , which can be prevented by immunization with tetanus toxoid .