
  • 网络destructive earthquake
  1. 1988年度全世界破坏性地震灾害情况综合汇编

    A comprehensive compilation of destructive earthquake disasters all over the world for the year 1988

  2. 宁夏南部地区破坏性地震人员伤亡快速盲估

    The fast " blind estimation " of casualties after the destructive earthquake in southern region of Ningxia

  3. b值时空扫描&监视破坏性地震孕育过程的一种手段

    Time and space scanning of the b-value & a method for monitoring the development of catastrophic earthquakes

  4. 倪四道说,P波(Pwaves)早期到达的非破坏性地震波在计算机的辅助下可以在10秒内用来探测并计算出发生地震的范围。

    He said that P waves early-arriving non-destructive seismic waves can be used to detect and calculate the scale of an earthquake within ten seconds with the aid of computers .

  5. 6次中强地震的震源机制解表明,该地区P轴方位与主压应力方向基本一致,因此该地区发生破坏性地震的可能性不大。

    The focal mechanism solutions of 6 mid strong earthquakes in south Ningxia region show that the earthquakes occurred under the affect of principal compressive stress of NE , with no somewhat change in comparison with direction of principal compressive stress of regional stress field .

  6. 针对华南地区近15年来发生的6次破坏性地震事件,依据卫星对地遥感射出长波辐射OLR网格数据资料,进行了卫星遥感红外的震前异常特征分析。

    This paper study the distribution features of the eddy field based on the Outgoing-Longwave-Radiation ( OLR ) data of satellite remote sensing before the 6 earthquake events occurring in South China for recent 15 years .

  7. 高滑动速率而近1ka来无强破坏性地震发生的事实意味着该断裂现今可能处在蠕滑运动为主的相对稳滑状态。

    Since the late Pleistocene . The facts that there is high slip rate , but no disastrous earthquake on the Median Tectonic Line in the recent 1 000 years show that it may be mainly in the period of creep movement .

  8. 加利福利亚州最近的一次破坏性地震

    The last earthquake to do a lot of damage in California

  9. 美国中部和东部破坏性地震的预报

    Forecasting damaging earthquakes in the central and eastern United States

  10. 破坏性地震对信息技术与产业严重影响的调查

    Investigation of Serious Effects of Destructive Earthquakes on Information Technology and Industry

  11. 破坏性地震医疗救护应急预案制定要点

    Formulation of crash programs for medical rescues in case of destructive earthquakes

  12. 断层破裂传播速度与破坏性地震的烈度分布&浅源地震的断层不均匀性与短周期波动的多普勒效应

    Seismic intensity distribution of shallow earthquakes due to rupture velocities and faulting modes

  13. 云南破坏性地震的人员伤亡和地面破坏特征

    The feature of casualties and ground failure caused by destructive earthquakes in Yunnan

  14. 城市活断层与破坏性地震探讨&对苏州地区活断层探测的思考

    Active Faults in Urban Area and Destructive Earthquakes

  15. 近15000人死于这次破坏性地震。

    Nearly 15,000 died in this devastating earthquake .

  16. 城市破坏性地震应急预案的编制与修订要点探讨

    Key problems on developing and revising the urban emerg-ency response plan of destructive earthquakes

  17. 新疆地区破坏性地震震害面积的评价

    Assessment of earthquake damage area in Xinjiang

  18. 福建沿海地区历史上地震活动频繁,发生过多次破坏性地震。

    Historical earthquake activities in Fujian coastal area are frequently and destructive earthquakes repeatedly occurred .

  19. 1997年8月13日在重庆市荣昌县境内发生5.3级破坏性地震。

    An M5.3 earthquake occurred on Aug. 13 , 1997 in Rongchang , Chongqing City .

  20. 多次破坏性地震一再显示了对桥梁工程进行安全有效的减轻地震灾害设计的重要性。

    Devastating earthquake had shown the importance to do safe and effective aseismic design for bridges .

  21. 作者认为,破坏性地震常伴生着破坏性海啸,但地震不会直接引发海啸。

    Devastating tsunami companion frequently with devastating earthquake , but the seismic wave cannot cause tsunami directly .

  22. 本法所称破坏性地震,是指造成人员伤亡和财产损失的地震灾害。

    The destructive earthquakes mentioned in this Law refer to earthquakes that cause casualties and property losses .

  23. 破坏性地震常常导致大量人员伤亡和财产损失,给人类社会造成巨大灾难。

    Destructive earthquakes often cause heavy casualties and property losses , posing a great disaster to human society .

  24. 该中心组织了一次志愿工作来救助和安置成百上千的受到那场破坏性地震影响的动物们。

    The center organized a volunteer effort to rescue and house hundreds of animals affected by the devastating quake .

  25. 福建破坏性地震(M≥4.75)的时序与统计相关研究

    Studies on time series and statistical dependence of destruction earthquake ( M ≥ 4 . 75 ) in Fujian

  26. 地震灾害损失评估标准实施以来,云南地区共发生过46次破坏性地震。

    Since The Earthquake Loss Assessment Criteria came into effect , 46 destructive earthquakes have occurred in Yunnan area .

  27. 云南地区破坏性地震的人员灾情预估方法初探

    Preliminary Discussion on an Early Estimating Method for the Condition of Afflicted Personnel by the Destructive Earthquake in Yunnan Area

  28. 我国6度以及6度以上的地震区几乎遍及了全国各省和自治区,破坏性地震频繁发生。

    In China , areas of seismic intensity 6 or higher spread over every province , where destructive earthquakes happen frequently .

  29. 顾名思义,其主要任务是评估活动断层未来一段时间内发生破坏性地震的可能性与危险性。

    The primary work is to evaluate the possibilities and hazards of destructive earthquakes on active faults in a time span .

  30. 破坏性地震发生后,根据建筑物、构筑物的破坏特点,对规范进行修正,这是抗震规范修订的通常做法。

    After the destructive earthquake occurred , the codes were revised according to the damage features . This is the usual practice .