
pò chǎn zhài wù rén
  • insolvent debtor;bankrupt debtor
  1. 首先,界定出自由财产的含义;其次,概括出自由财产的特征。自由财产的特征表现在其具体构成具有不确定性以及自由财产对破产债务人的保障具有有限性和暂时性。

    Secondly , summarizes the characteristics of exempt property , The specific composition of exempt property is uncertainly and the protection of insolvent debtor has a limited and temporary .

  2. 作者首先明确了个人破产免责制度的内涵,即破产债务人在破产程序终结后,对其未能依破产程序清偿的剩余债务,免除其继续清偿的责任。

    The author first defines the meaning of personal bankruptcy exemption system . Insolvent debtor in the bankruptcy proceedings , the insolvency proceedings for failing to pay off its remaining debts to pay off exempt from its responsibility .

  3. 破产债务人是指作为破产诉讼主体的一个人或一实体。

    A debtor is a person or an entity that is the subject of a bankruptcy action .

  4. 因此,应当赋予破产债务人选择破产程序转换的权利。

    Therefore , the bankruptcy debtor should be entitled to choose whether to convert the bankruptcy procedure or not .

  5. 破产程序保护债务人免受债权人的讨债。债务人可以申请破产,这叫做“自愿破产”。

    Bankruptcy . A debtor may file for bankruptcy , which is called " voluntary bankruptcy " .

  6. 破产程序保护债务人免受债权人的讨债。

    Bankruptcy protects the debtor from debt collection by creditors .

  7. 破产企业的债务人和财产持有人,只能向清算组清偿债务或者交付财产。

    The debtors of a bankrupt enterprise and persons holding the property of a bankrupt enterprise can repay debts or deliver property only to the liquidation team .

  8. 破产是在债务人没有履行债务能力的情况下了结债权债务关系的一种方法。公司清算是公司退出市场前,对公司财产进行清理,了结公司债权债务关系,消灭公司主体人格的程序。

    The detailed specifications of bankruptcy trustee are different from this bankruptcy law to anther of various countries ; Before the company withdraws from market , it should clear up his property , discharge company 's credit and debt , stop the company 's main body personality .

  9. 破产重整中经管债务人的监督机制研究

    The Research of Supervision Scheme for Debtor in Possession in Bankruptcy Reorganization

  10. 破产和解制度是债务人不能清偿债务时,为避免受破产宣告或破产分配,与债权人就债务清偿事务达成和解以预防破产的制度。

    Bankruptcy conciliation is the system concerning about liquidation conciliation between creditor and debtor , who can not pay off debts and want to avoid bankruptcy announcement or distribution .

  11. 前款规定的和解债权人,是指在人民法院受理破产案件前对债务人享有债权的人。

    The conciliating creditors provided in the proceeding paragraph refer to those who enjoy obligatory rights to the debtor before the acceptance of the bankruptcy case by the peoples court .

  12. 和解债权人是指人民法院受理破产申请时对债务人享有无财产担保债权的人。

    The term " creditor covered by the settlement " means a party that , at the time the people 's court accepted the bankruptcy petition , held a claim not secured by property against the debtor .

  13. 一旦关联企业一个或若干个成员企业破产时,破产债务人可能无财产供债权人分配,或者各破产企业之债权人所得清偿明显不公。

    When the bankruptcy of any one or several members of the affiliated enterprise occured , there are no properties offered by the insolvent debtor or debtors for the distribution among creditors , or the recovery of the creditors of the enterprise or enterprises in bankruptcy is obviously unfair .

  14. 人民法院受理破产案件后,在宣告债务人破产以前,债务人或者债权人可以向人民法院申请重整。

    After the peoples court accepts the bankruptcy case and before it declares the debtor bankrupt , the debtor or the creditor may apply to the peoples court for restructure .

  15. 破产能力是指有破产原因的债务人具有的法律上为破产程序之进行的资格。

    Capacity of bankruptcy refers to the qualification of a bankruptcy-needing debtor in legally permitted procedure .

  16. 法律这样规定是为了实现破产法的立法目的,使破产债务人尽快恢复经营能力获得重生同时也使债权人的利益得到最大限度的保证。

    This legal institution stipulates so with view to realizing the legislative purpose of bankruptcy law , recovering the operation of the bankrupt and simultaneously assuring the creditors ' interests in maximum .

  17. 法律环境、金融结构与企业最优破产机制的经济学分析&对我国新企业破产法债务人机制的商榷

    Law Environment , Financial Structure and Economic Analysis on Optimal Bankruptcy Law