
pò chǎn ɡuǎn xiá quán
  • bankruptcy jurisdiction
  1. 跨境破产管辖权冲突及其协调问题研究

    Study on Issues Relating to the Jurisdiction Conflicts and Coordination in Cross-border Insolvency

  2. 对《跨境破产管辖权研究》该文的内容和意义进行总结和升华。

    To the content and meaning of the article to sum up and sublimation .

  3. 因此,加强对我国的跨国破产管辖权的研究是非常有必要的。

    Therefore , what is very necessary for our country is to strengthen out research in cross-border insolvency jurisdiction .

  4. 跨境破产管辖权是我国在应对跨境破产案件时首先要考虑的重要问题,是我国立法亟需填补的一块空白领域。

    Jurisdiction of Cross-border insolvency is the first question we should consider , and it is also a blank in our legislation .

  5. 第三部分提出了跨境破产管辖权所涉及的问题,包括管辖权标准的确定和平行破产。

    Chapter three presents a cross-border insolvency jurisdiction over the issues involved , including the jurisdiction to determine standards and parallel insolvency .

  6. 但是中国现有的法律在规定跨国破产管辖权方面存在着许多不足的地方,在实际的案件审理中,给司法实务带来了许多困难。

    However , existing Chinese cross-border insolvency law has many deficiencies in jurisdiction of cross-border insolvency , bringing many troubles to judicial practice in the actual case hearing .

  7. 本文通过对我国现有的跨国破产管辖权法律规范加以阐述和分析,提出我国在跨国破产的立法和司法实务中存在的问题及其原因。

    Based on the description and analysis about legal norm of the jurisdiction of the existing cross-border insolvency law , this paper puts forward issues in legislation and judicial practice about cross-border insolvency in China and analyzes their causes .

  8. 笔者参考了国内外著名法学家关于跨境破产管辖权标准的学说,总结了通常适用的各大连结点,并对平行破产的产生原因、概念及表现、弊端等进行了综合详细的分析。

    Author made reference to the famous jurist on cross-border insolvency jurisdiction of the standard theory , summed up the generally applicable to the major link to point , and parallel causes of bankruptcy , concepts and performance , and other abuses carried out a comprehensive detailed analysis .

  9. 本文以破产案件管辖权作为研究对象,从比较法的角度与管辖权异议进行比较。

    In this paper studies the jurisdiction of bankruptcy cases , from the perspective of comparative law and the jurisdiction of the objections .

  10. 首先论述了在跨境破产中管辖权确定的重要意义;第二个层面是论述了传统国际民商事管辖权理论在跨境破产中的适用。

    The importance in ascertaining of the jurisdiction in cross-border insolvency is discussed firstly . The second aspect comes with the application of the jurisdiction theory of the traditional civil and commercial affairs in cross-border insolvency .

  11. 第七章为破产和解散管辖权。

    Chapter seven is about jurisdictions over bankruptcy and winding-up .

  12. 国际商事仲裁中当事人破产对仲裁庭管辖权的影响

    The Influence of Insolvency upon the Jurisdiction of the Tribunal

  13. 分析我国司法实践中的跨国破产案例,发现我国有关跨国破产管辖权的立法依旧空白,相关法律的缺失给司法实践带来了困扰。

    By analyzing the cases in the judicial practice in our country , we can see the vacancy in legislation on jurisdiction of transnational insolvency in China . The lack of relevant legislation causes trouble in judicial practice .

  14. 国际破产在我国还是一个新兴的领域,我国法律在国际破产管辖权方面的法律规定有很多的不足之处。

    International Insolvency in China is still an emerging area , our law of jurisdiction in the international aspects of bankruptcy law has many deficiencies .