
lì xī zhài quán
  • interest claim
  1. 附利息的债权自破产申请受理时起停止计息。

    Interest on interest-bearing claims shall cease to accrue thereon at the time of acceptance of the bankruptcy petition .

  2. 行政主管机关可以责令侵权人立即停止侵权行为,并应当事方的请求就赔偿问题进行调解。附利息的债权自破产申请受理时起停止计息。

    The administrative authority could order the infringer to stop the infringing act immediately and mediate on damages at the request of the parties concerned . Interest on interest-bearing claims shall cease to accrue thereon at the time of acceptance of the bankruptcy petition .

  3. 经济损失中直接损失与间接损失的划分标准以及挽回损失、利息损失、债权损失的认定标准。

    The rules for defining financial loss are by direct loss , indirect loss as well as saved loss , interest loss and obligatory right loss .