
lǚ xínɡ bù nénɡ
  • impossibility of performance
  1. 本部分主要探讨了履行不能的概念、学理分类,以及关于履行不能的理论演进。

    This section mainly discusses the concept of Impossibility of performance , theoretical categories , and its theoretical evolution .

  2. 本文从履行不能的基础理论出发,对其理论的演变进行历史的爬梳。

    This article departs from the basic theory of Impossibility of performance , and then introduces its historical evolution .

  3. 另一个是过去的履行不能成为现在承诺的对价。

    Another is that past performance cannot be consideration for present promise .

  4. 本文对履行不能的形态和效力以及损害赔偿作了比较详细的讨论。

    This article has made some deeply discusses on the categories , effect and compensation for damage of impossibility of performance .

  5. 履行不能是大陆法系债法上的重要概念,与迟延履行、不完全履行共同构成债务不履行的三大形态,是契约法上的核心问题之一。

    Impossibility of performance , an important concept in the law of obligation in the Continent Law System , is one of core questions in contract law .

  6. 我国目前尚无制定出完整的民法典,对于履行不能的规定多散见在一些单行性的民事法律规范文件之中。

    Now we have not enact civil code in our legislation . The provisions on impossibility of performance are scattered in a number of single civil legal statutes .

  7. 履行不能主要是大陆法中合同法的一个概念,各国民法一般在履行障碍法中对其进行规定。

    Impossibility of performance is mainly a concept of the contract law in Civil Law , and is generally regulated in performance obstacles in the civil laws of many countries .

  8. 从履行不能对合同效力的影响以及合同当事人双方义务的影响,在司法实践的角度探讨当出现履行不能这一困境时,法律所面临的价值选择。

    Impossibility of performance affects the validity and the impact of contractual obligations of the parties . When this condition arises in the perspective of judicial practice , the law should make valuable choices .

  9. 德国以其卓越的法律抽象技术所构建的民法典体系中,通过立法改变了其对违约形态的设计进路,将直接影响履行不能这一违约形态的学理分类。

    Germany Civil Code system which is structured by prominent legal abstraction technique , changes the forms of " breach of contract " through adoption of legislation . And this would directly affect theoretical categories of Impossibility of performance .

  10. 若当事人违反该协议,须结合违约的形态,如履行不能、迟延履行、瑕疵履行或根本未履行而适用合同法关于无名合同的规定承担相应的责任。

    If the party breaches the contract , the liability should be applied according to the concrete forms of the breach of the contract under the provisions of the nameless contract , such as the impossibility of performance , delay of performance , blemish implementation or refusal to fulfill .

  11. 如在供用电合同的签订和履行中不能妥善解决一些实质性的法律问题,将使供电企业面临一系列的法律风险。

    If many substantial legal problems in power supply and demand contracts can 't be solved well , it will make industries face many legal risks .

  12. 因不可抗力致使合同无法按期履行或不能履行所造成的损失由双方各自承担。

    Losses incurred due to the delayed execution or default of the contract which are caused by force majeure shall be borne by both Parties respectively .

  13. 后履行方不能履行或可能不能履行的法定情形须出现在合同成立后。它的法律效力为中止履行合同,恢复履行或解除合同,但权利人应负有举证责任和通知义务。

    Its legal force is to discontinue or renew the performance of contract , or cancel the contract , but the obligee is responsible for the burden of proof and notification .

  14. 税收服务行为作为税务机关的一项法定职责,在税务机关不能履行或者不能恰当地履行服务的义务时,纳税人有权寻求法律救济。

    The service behavior of tax revenue is a legal duty of tax authority , in tax authority can not perform or can not perform the duty of service appropriately , taxpayer has right to seek legal relief .

  15. 英国需要新的政治安排,将其在欧洲鼓吹的辅助原则(subsidiarity,即中央权力机构应起辅助作用,只履行地方机构不能履行的职责——译者注)应用到自己身上。

    Britain needs a new political settlement that implements at home what it preaches in Europe : subsidiarity .

  16. 因债权为请求权,债权人对于债务人的财产没有直接的支配权只能请求债务人履行义务;不能以债权对抗第三人。

    The creditor has no right to dominate the property of the debtor directly , because his right is a claim . He is only allowed to request that the debtor performs his obligations and not claim his rights against the third party .

  17. 韩国民法规定了迟延履行与履行不能作为发生法定解除权的原因,而对于其他发生契约解除的情形通过类推适用债务不履行责任的一般条款来实现。

    The reasons for delay in performance can not be used as compliance with the statutory right to terminate the Korean civil law , by analogy , apply to debt breach of duty , the general terms and for the case of rescission .

  18. 若拒绝接受该预期违约,坚持合同的拘束力,便有权要求预期违约者继续负担原债务,但于履行届满前不能获得损害赔偿,并承担这段期间的风险。

    If refuse to accept this expected promise breaking , the constrained force that insists contract has right to ask that the expected of promise breaking bears debt continuously , but can not get damages before performing expiration , and undertake the risk of this duration .

  19. 这位民主党挑战者将如何履行总统职务还不能明确判断。

    Determining how the Democratic challenger would conduct his presidency isn 't quite so obvious .

  20. 在双方当事人均不履行合同时,不能适用定金罚则;

    The deposit avouchment can 't be applied to loan contract .

  21. 对义务人而言,无法履行应为绝对不能履行,而非难以履行。

    Impossibility to perform shall be absolute , not difficult for the obligor .

  22. 这样的保证只要卖方履行合同义务就不能生效,因此不涉及额外的风险;

    Such a guarantee cannot be drawn upon as long as the seller fulfils the contractual obligations and therefore involves no additional risk ;

  23. 但公民需要知情,以诽谤为由威胁报刊履行其职责是不能被容许的。

    But the citizenry needed to be informed , and threats of libel against a newspaper for doing its job could not be allowed .

  24. 这意思是说除非有某些大事发生,如地震和海啸,否则你必须履行合同内容而且不能逃避责任。

    That means unless something very big happens , like an earthquake or a tsunami , you will be bound to the contract and can 't get out of it .

  25. 一个承包商如果没有相关的合同履行历史,就不能被认为是负责任的或是只负单一责任,除非特殊采购确定的特殊标准在外。

    A prospective contractor shall not be determined responsible or non-responsible solely because of a lack of relevant performance history , except when specified in a standard for special acquisitions .

  26. 我将履行我的诺言不能过早透露名称和性质的这个项目,所以您必须等待,直到这些数据出来的测试和上市。

    I will honor my promise not to prematurely divulge name and character of this project , so you 'll have to wait for these data until it comes out of beta and goes public .

  27. 不完全履行是区别于履行不能和履行迟延的一种履行障碍形态。

    Inadequate performance is a form of performance obstacle .

  28. 前一部分将违约障碍分为不完全履行、迟延履行、履行不能、双方违约四个部分。

    The former classifies breach obstacles into partial performance , delayed performance , impossibility of performance and both parties ' fault .

  29. 其次,本文介绍了大陆法系相关国家针对合同履行期届至前拒绝履行和履行不能情形的规制方法,即拒绝履行制度和抗辩权制度,并分别将其与期前违约制度进行了比较。

    In the next place , this paper introduced the method about repudiation prior to the time for performance and inability to perform sometime introduced the system of repudiation and the system of right of defense in the civil law , and compared with the system about the anticipatory breach .

  30. 本人因承担合同履行责任可能会遭受额外费用的承担,以及对相对人的履行迟延或履行不能的违约损害赔偿,还可能因本人行使处分权不当而遭受损失。

    Principal may bear the additional costs for assuming the contract and make compensation to counterpart for the losses of misfeasance , and may also suffer losses from the misbehavior when exercising the right of disposition .