
  • 网络performance bond;Surety Bonds
  1. 履约保证保险的法律问题探析

    Analysis and Discussion of the Legal Issues Regarding Performance Bonds

  2. 履约保证保险与消费信贷

    Performance Guarantee Insurance and Consumption Credit

  3. 第四章是履约保证保险制度的完善。

    And the fourth chapter is on the improvement and completion of the performance bonds system .

  4. 论文第二章分析了履约保证保险的法律性质和法律关系。

    Chapter Two of this thesis analyzes the legal nature and legal relationship of performance bonds .

  5. 三要降低履约保证保险制度的社会成本,推行金融混业制,建立与履约保证保险制度相适应的法制环境。

    Third lows performance-guarantee insurance system 's social cost , pushes finance mixture system establishes legal system circumstance .

  6. 保证保险合同,尤其是履约保证保险合同,在信用制度日益健全的今天,发挥着重要的作用。

    The bonds , especially performance bonds play an important role in the world where the credit system will be perfect gradually .

  7. 其次,在代位权问题中,通过与一般保险中的代位权制度的比较突出履约保证保险代位权的性质和特点;

    Secondly , regarding subrogation rights , the features and nature of subrogation rights of performance bonds are highlighted in comparison to the subrogation rights system under normal insurances .

  8. 首先,阐明判定履约保证保险法律性质的重要意义,并在与保证合同的异同比较中分析履约保证保险的法律性质;

    Firstly the significant sense for determining the legal nature of performance bonds is clarified , and the legal nature of performance bonds is analyzed by comparing with the guarantee contract .

  9. 正是顺应这一需要,银行个人消费信贷业务中的履约保证保险应运而出,并为各利益主体所接受,显现出其强大的生命活力。

    To satisfy this need , performance guarantee insurance derives from bank individual consumption credit business , gains general accept - ability from the parties interested , and presents great vitality .

  10. 履约保证保险存在两大理论争议,保证保险的性质和保证保险合同的独立性。

    There are two controversial theories in the field of the guarantee insurance , which are the character of the guarantee insurance and the independence of the contract of guarantee insurance .

  11. 论文第三章着力从差额保险责任、代位权、诉讼程序中问题三个方面,对履约保证保险在实践中的法律问题进行了详实的论述,并提出了具体的解决思路。

    Chapter Three dissertates the practical legal issues of performance bonds in details by focusing on the balance insurance liabilities , subrogation rights , and litigation procedures , and brings forward the specific solutions .

  12. 其次,对履约保证保险合同的法律关系从合同主体、客体、内容三方面进行分析,并在对主体的阐述中加入了对履约保证保险的保险利益的探讨。

    Secondly the legal relationship of performance bonds is analyzed from the aspects of subject , object and contents , and in stating the subject of performance bonds the insurable interests of performance bonds are also discussed .

  13. 随着个人消费贷款的升温,市场更加规范化和规模化,银行和保险公司纷纷联手推出了履约保证保险,以保证在借款人还款不能时银行的信贷资金安全。

    With the warm up of personal consumer credit , the market become more standard and larger . To make sure the safety of the credit when the borrower can 't pay off the money , the commercial banks and insurers establish the performance-guarantee insurance together .