
  • 网络Travel Insurance
  1. 你应该为自己和家人办理旅游保险以防偷盗。

    You should take out travel insurance covering you and your family against theft .

  2. 我国旅游保险业发展探析

    An Analysis of the Development of China 's Travel Insurance Industry

  3. 旅游保险、体育保险、会展保险将迅速发展。

    The insurance of travel , sports and exhibition will develop quickly .

  4. 正式收据会发给参加者以备旅游保险索偿。

    Official receipt will be issued in case of travel insurance claim .

  5. 关于我国体育旅游保险问题的思考

    Thinking about Developing the Sports Tourist Insurance Question in China

  6. 关于我国旅游保险供需均衡的经济学探讨

    Economic Study about the Balance of Supply Demand on China ′ s Tourism Insurance

  7. 旅游保险产品与服务体系亟需建立。

    Tourism insurance products and service system are ( yet ) to be established .

  8. 中国旅游保险散客市场营销系统研究

    Research of Travel Insurance Individual Marketing System

  9. 我在寻找一种发生任何意外都能为我保险的旅游保险契约。

    I 'm looking for a travel insurance policy that will cover me for any eventuality .

  10. 我在一家旅游保险公司工作,可以给大家办非常便宜的保险。

    I am working at Travel Insurance company , can get the very best rate for you .

  11. 第4章阐述了旅游保险代理人的业务范围、执业原则与执业担保。

    Chapter 4 describes the business scope , liability rules and practice regulation of travel insurance agents .

  12. 如何在国际大环境下发展我国的旅游保险业务已经成为旅游业发展中的一个新的课题。

    How to expand tourism insurance in the international environment is a fresh task for tourism developing .

  13. 国际旅游保险政策通常是在你出国前的家乡购买。

    An international travel insurance policy is usually purchased in your home country before you go abroad .

  14. 旅游保险保单内一切赔偿项目将由保险公司负责。

    All items and indemnification in my travel insurance policy will be handled by the respective insurance company .

  15. 旅游保险公司菲尔•西尔维斯特发布了警告,提醒游客不要为了拍照而冒险。

    Travel Insurance Direct 's Phil Sylvester has issued a warning to travellers not to take risks while snapping away .

  16. 第2章介绍了旅游保险代理人资格取得、认定与设立。

    Chapter 2 describes the qualification examination of travel insurance agents and the identified and establishment procedures of travel insurance agents .

  17. 同时认为,我国旅游保险业的健康持续发展,其根本措施在于旅游保险体系的创新。

    The paper holds that the healthy and sustainable development of China 's travel insurance ( lies ) in system innovation .

  18. 旅游保险是保险业的重要组成部分。我国体育保险的问题及对策分析

    The tourism insurance is an important component part of our national insurance industry . Problems and countermeasures of the Chinese sports insurance

  19. 他不想冒任何奉献,所以他度假的时候都确保买了旅游保险。

    He didn 't want to take any chanceswhen he went to vacation , so he made sure he bought travel insurance .

  20. 本中心接受意外保险,公司医疗保险,个人医疗保险,劳工保险,旅游保险,和其他保险。

    This clinic accept accident insurance , company medical insurance , personal medical insurance , labor insurance , tourist insurance , and other insurance .

  21. 保险业监督在去年年中引入“旅游保险代理人”这个新的保险代理人类别。

    The insurance Authority introduced in the middle of last year a new category of insurance agents , namely " travel insurance agents " .

  22. 本人授权新鸿基地产保险有限公司从本人下述之信用咭账户支取旅游保险保费。

    I hereby authorize Sun Hung Kai Properties Insurance Ltd. to charge my credit card account below for the above Travel Insurance premium payment .

  23. 当我们预定的行程我们购买旅游保险。如果我们不得不取消,我们将不会损失太多的钱。

    We did purchase travel insurance when we booked our trip so if we have to cancel we won 't be out too much money .

  24. 要鼓励市民购买旅游保险,除了加强宣传外,另一途径是提供方便快捷的旅游保险销售点。

    Apart from enhancing publicity , another way to encourage people to take out travel insurance is to provide convenient and efficient points of sales .

  25. 第3章主要探究了旅游保险代理人的权利、义务与责任。

    Chapter 3 mainly explores the rights , obligations and civil liability of travel insurance agents with an overview of its administrative responsibility and criminal liability .

  26. 购买适当的旅游保险,让您获得医院治疗、医疗迁离及任何计划参与的活动的保障,包括冒险的运动。

    Take out appropriate travel insurance to cover hospital treatment , medical evacuation and any activities , including adventure sports , in which you plan to participate .

  27. 结语部分归纳了本文的研究结果及对学术界与理论界继续研究旅游保险代理人制度的期望。

    The conclusion part summarizes the results of this study and calls on the academic and theoretical circles to continue to study the travel insurance agent system .

  28. 无论您踏足天涯海角,渡假或是公干,我们的全球旅游保险计划,都能保障您及您的家人。

    No matter what corner of the globe you visit , our worldwide travel insurance plan protects you and your family whether you re on holiday or business .

  29. 尝试通过用例来分析需求;一些用例(例如通过一个在线银行帐号支付)可能比其他的需要更低的可用性(例如预定旅游保险小册子)。

    Try analyzing the requirements by use case ; some use cases ( e.g.make payments from an online banking account ) might require lower availability than others ( e.g.

  30. 约翰・肯和瑞秋・埃文斯这对夫妇已经购买了旅游保险和埃文斯怀孕的附加保险,却没有想到这项政策并没有包括孩子的出生费用。

    John Kan and Rachel Evans had taken out travel insurance and extra cover for Evans ' pregnancy without realizing the policy would not cover birth or the baby .