
  • 网络Tourism Complex
  1. 第二部分:解析旅游综合体发展模式。

    The second part analysis the development models of tourism complex .

  2. 通过分析目前我国旅游综合体发展的主要问题,提出发展模式优化的思路,并对其未来的发展趋势进行展望。

    By analyzing the major developing problems of tourism complex , proposed the development of model optimization method and future prospects .

  3. 该部分界定了旅游综合体的概念,剖析了其与相关概念的异同、基本特征及开发动因。

    This section introduces the connotation about tourism complex , defines the concept of Tourism Complex and distinguishes related concepts , analysis basic characteristics and the motivations of exploitation .

  4. 文化区是一个兼保存历史文化传统和开发旅游经济的综合体。

    The Cultural Region is a comprehensive body that is both of keeping historical and traditional civilization and exploiting tourist industry .

  5. 作为旅游度假区综合体中的不可或缺的一部分,文化景观营造的是旅游度假区标准高低的一个衡量标杆与重要的组成部分。

    As a tourist resort complex in an integral part of cultural tourism resort landscape is a measure of the standard benchmark level .

  6. 随着城市旅游国际化战略逐步实施,旅游综合体满足了旅游服务功能复合化、资源集约化、主题特色化、环境生态化的要求,近年来发展势头迅猛并已成为当代区域旅游综合开发的良好模式。

    Along with urban tourism gradually actualizes international stratagem , tourism complex has led a rapid development in recent years and become the good mode of regional tourism comprehensive development . It satisfies the tourism service function diversification , the resources intensification , the environment ecologic , the theme characteristics .