
  • 网络Travel Contract
  1. 所以笔者尝试研究旅游合同的若干问题,主要针对旅游合同中典型的、争议大的问题进行探讨。

    So I try my best to study some important question of travel contract .

  2. 旅游合同独特的本质内涵使其与传统的民商事合同相比具有明显的不同。

    Travel contract is different from traditional business contract because of its distinctive nature .

  3. 旅游合同违约责任制度研究

    A Study on the System of Liability of Breaking a Tourism Contract

  4. 论我国旅游合同瑕疵担保责任的建立

    On the Establishment of Blemish Assured Responsibility in China 's Tour Contract

  5. 旅游合同纠纷的现状及其法律调整

    The Current Situation and the Legal Adjustment of Dispute on Tour Contract

  6. 旅游合同有名化及其规制

    On Naming the Contract of Tourism and it 's Regulation

  7. 从旅游合同的性质看旅游合同立法的必要性

    The Nature of Tourism Contract Calls for Its Legislation

  8. 论旅游合同的规范及其对旅游者权益的保护

    On Standardization of Tourism Contracts and Protection of Tourists ' Rights & Interests

  9. 旅游合同若干理论问题之批判研究

    Critical Researches in Theoretical Problems of the Tour Contract

  10. 在此基础上,提炼出包价旅游合同的概念及特点。

    Refine out package tour contract concept and characteristic on the basis here .

  11. 试论旅游合同违约之精神损害赔偿

    On Mental Compensation in Breach of Tourist Contract

  12. 从而将旅游合同的主体限定为旅行社和旅游者。

    Thus the bodies of travel contract are limited to travel agency and tourist .

  13. 旅游合同违约既能产生财产损害,也能产生非财产损害。

    Property damage arising from breach of contract which tourism can generate non-property damage .

  14. 论旅游合同纠纷的法律适用

    On the Legal Suitability of Tourist Contract Disputes

  15. 本文就旅游合同纠纷的法律适用与旅游合同责任做一探讨。

    The paper discusses on the legal applicability and responsibility about disputation on tourist contracts .

  16. 旅游合同具有不同于其他合同的特征,其突出特征表现为对精神利益的期待。

    Travel contract is different from other contracts whose outstanding characteristic is expecting moral interests .

  17. 主要是由于旅游合同立法的缺失,给实际操作带来了诸多困难。

    First of all , lacking of legislation in tourism contract embarrasses its practical operation .

  18. 旅游合同立法初论

    Simple Observation on Travel Contract Legislation

  19. 第二部分:作者具体分析包价旅游合同法律关系的构成。

    Second part : The author analyzes the constitute of the organized travel contract legal relation .

  20. 关于旅游合同的分析

    Brief discussion on the tourism contract

  21. 包价旅游合同研究

    Research on the Organized Travel Contract

  22. 这是一种高层次的国际旅游合同法律冲突的途径。

    This is a high level path for the conflict of the international travel contract laws .

  23. 旅游合同立法初探

    Probe Into Travel Contract Legislation

  24. 第四部分是关于完善我国旅游合同违约精神损害赔偿制度的构想。

    The fourth part is on perfecting the compensation for mental damages in breach of tourist contract .

  25. 旅游合同初论

    Discussion on the Travel Contract

  26. 旅游合同具有附延缓期限,生效于成立之后的旅游开始。

    The Tour Contract has the characteristic of delaying and is effective after the establishment of tourism .

  27. 在包价旅游合同中,当事人双方还必须承担一些特殊的责任。

    Tourism in the package price in the contract , the parties must also bear some special responsibility .

  28. 第四章提出了规范我国旅游合同格式条款制度的一系列建议。

    Chapter four is the suggestions of building the standard contract clauses for tourist system in our country .

  29. 旅游合同研究

    Research on Travel Contract

  30. 目前规范旅游合同的法律制度不完善,立法上停滞不前。

    At present , the law system of travel contract is not complete and its legislation meets remains stagnant .