
  • 网络altruistic contract
  1. 利他合同的构成及效力

    The Constitute and Validity of Altruistic Contract

  2. 法律进化与利他合同中第三人之权利浅探

    Legal Evolution and the Right of the Third Party in Contract for the Benefit of The Party

  3. 第一,在利他合同的概念分析中,笔者主要对利他合同的概念和法律关系进行界定和分析。

    Firstly , in the analysis of concept , the author confines both the concept and legal relationship .

  4. 近现代合同法的演变使利他合同成为一种越来越普遍的社会现象。

    Along with the development of modern contract , it has become one kind of more and more popular social phenomenon .

  5. 论利他合同制度在我国合同法中的构建在现代合同立法和理论研究中,有两个相互对立且矛盾的制度。

    There are two different doctrines in conflict in the modern contract legislation and legal study - one is privity doctrine and another is the theory on third party beneficiary .

  6. 利他合同是一种特殊的合同形态,它是对合同相对性原则的突破。

    The contract for the benefit of the third parties ( abbreviated to CFBTP ) is one of the special contracts , it is the breakthrough of the privity of contract .

  7. 利他合同中的第三人只是被当作局外人,即使合同的订立、变更和终止与其有着直接的利害关系,这显然是非常不合理的。

    In other words , in the third party beneficiary contract , the third party is only taken as an outsider , even if the third party is closely linked with the formation , variation and termination of the contract .

  8. 本文所研究的利他合同是指合同双方当事人约定由债务人向第三人为给付,并使第三人直接取得请求债务人给付的权利的合同。

    The Third-party Beneficiary Contract specified in this article is the contract in which both contracting parties agree that the debtor pay the proceeds of the contract to a third party and the third party has the right to request the payment directly .

  9. 利他合同可以最大限度地扩充当事人的合同自由,充分体现私法自治精神,具有降低交易成本、保护第三人的信赖利益等作用。

    The Third-party Beneficiary Contract may let litigants expand their freedom of contract to its maximum limits . It fully reflects the spirit of autonomy of private law and has the ability to reduce the transaction costs and protect the faith benefit of the third party .

  10. 论文从社会募捐的理论基础为切入点,总结分析对社会募捐性质的几种争议,然后得出社会募捐应定性为一种附解除条件的利他赠与合同的结论。

    Begin with the theoretical basis of social collection to begin , first of all analyzes the social nature of the fundraising several main controversy , and then reaches the conclusion that social collection is qualitative for a special donative contract .