
  • 网络interest rate system
  1. 浅议建立科学合理的利率体系

    On the Establishment of Scientific & Reasonable Interest Rate System

  2. 第三章简要介绍我国利率体系现状,包括我国现行利率体系中存在的问题,以及我国推进利率市场化改革已具备的一些基本成熟的条件;

    The third chapter recounted the condition of our country 's interest rate system ;

  3. 中国现行利率体系特征及其定价机制

    Features of China 's Current Interest Rate Regime and Pricing Mechanism

  4. 美国利率体系及其定价基准

    American Interest Rate Regime and Pricing Benchmark

  5. 在各种不同期限结构的利率体系中,短期利率占着很重要的地位。

    In the interest rate system that contains various different term structures , the short-term interest rate takes up an important station .

  6. 本文对于市场利率体系的特征进行研究,并建立了经济学模型和计量模型。

    This paper is focus on the characterize of the market interest rates , and the construction of the economic and econometric models .

  7. 文章重点阐述了住房社会保障体系中保障对象的核定、住房供应系统以及住房社会保障的信贷和利率体系的相互关系。

    The paper focuses on research of relationship of housing security key factors in terms of security object examining , housing providing system and housing financing .

  8. 本文最后讨论了引入利率体系的宏观经济学模型,研究了货币政策对于利率体系特征的影响。

    At last , the macroeconomic models embedded the different interest rates are discussed to understand how the monetary policy make a influence to the characterize of the interest rates .

  9. 第二章分析了我国利率体系历史现状与存在的问题及利率管制对货币政策传导的影响。

    Chapter two of this text has analyzed the influence that the current interest rate system and existing problem and control of interest rate in our country conduct to the monetary policy .

  10. 金融市场化改革最终要解决的是资金配置效率,资金有效配置的前提是建立一个公平、合理、透明的定价机制,即充分竞争的利率体系。

    In China , financial marketization reform is ultimately to enhance capital allocation efficiency , whose precondition is that we shall build a fair , rational and transparent system of pricing , that is , fully competitive interest rate system .

  11. 鉴于此,本文将采用中国利率体系的数据基于学习机制分析市场中预期的形成过程、通胀预期的变化,并根据市场中存在的利率典型特征讨论公众和中央银行的学习行为与货币政策效果。

    For the reason , this thesis used the data of interest rate system in China , analyzed the formation process and changes of market expectation in the view of learning , and discussed the learning processes of public and central bank .

  12. 目前,我国整个利率体系的基准利率确定困难、商业银行风险定价能力不足以及利率市场化之后可能出现的存贷利差缩小是推进利率市场化进程的主要障碍。

    At present , marketization of interest rate is bottlenecked by difficulty to determine the base rate of the overall interest rate system , inability of commercial banks to do risk pricing and consequent potential reduction of interest rate differentials of deposit-loan .

  13. 第四部分就我国现行利率体系与市场化的差距分析了我国利率市场化的客观环境并提出了我国利率市场化改革的必要性。

    The fourth part Analyze the objective environment of interest rate liberalization in our country and propose the necessity of market-oriented reform of interest rate in our country according to the disparities between our country 's current interest rate system and interest liberalization .

  14. 改革利率管理体系。

    Reform of the interest rate management system .

  15. 本文推导出在随机利率经济体系下,无套利条件之组合型选择权的近似封闭解。

    This paper presents a no-arbitrage model of closed-form approximation for valuing basket options under a stochastic interest rate economy .

  16. 第二,建立一套综合的利率评价指标体系。

    Second , establishes a set of comprehensive interest rate evaluating indicator system .

  17. 建立了三维一体的利率风险管理体系模型。

    Third , I create a three-dimensional integrated model on interest rate risk management system .

  18. 最后,从商业银行内部控制和银行外部监管两方面初步探讨了我国利率风险管理体系的建设。

    At last , this part discusses the construction of the interest rate risk system by interior control an exterior supervision .

  19. 为此,我国商业银行必须完善利率风险管理体系。

    For this reason , the commercial bank in our country must perfect the risk management system of the interest rate .

  20. 根据巴塞尔协议的要求,银行应该根据自身业务的复杂程度建立利率风险控制体系。

    To meet the requirements of the Basel Accord , the bank should set up the risk-control system according to the complexity of their own business .

  21. 一国的基准利率是利率体系中的核心利率、主导利率,对于货币市场的发展起着十分重要的作用。

    The benchmark interest rate of a country is the core and leading rate of interest rate market which is doing an important job in the development of monetary market .

  22. 昨日,土耳其央行以10%的新基准利率向银行体系注入流动性,但令参与者吃惊的是,央行接受了所有订单,而不是像其他时候那样仅接受大约三分之一的订单。

    Yesterday , the central bank provided liquidity to banks at its new 10 per cent benchmark rate but surprised participants by fulfilling all orders , rather than only about a third as it has done on other occasions .

  23. 利率不仅是金融体系中最重要的变量,也是市场经济最基础的变量之一。

    Interest rate is not only the most important variable in financial system , but also the most fundamental variable in market economy .

  24. 我们必须在完善我国汇率制度、利率制度、金融体系和金融监管之后才能逐步进行人民币的自由化进程。

    We must gradually carry out the RMB liberalization after we consummates our country exchange rate system , the interest system , the financial system and financial supervising .

  25. 亚洲金融风暴导致香港利率攀升,银行体系的流动资金更为紧绌。

    As a result of the Asian financial turmoil , we have in Hong Kong a much higher interest rate and a much tighter liquidity situation in the banks .

  26. 第五部分分别从利率风险管理内部体系的建立和外部环境的完善两方面,针对我国利率风险管理中存在的缺陷提出相应的对策和建议。

    The fifth part from the interest rate risk management internal system and external environment in two aspects of interest rate risk management , aiming at the defects existing in the corresponding countermeasures and Suggestions .

  27. 中国,菲律宾,韩国,印度,泰国和印度尼西亚在过去的两个月都已经提高了利率,减少金融体系的资金数额,这也是抑制通货膨胀的一种方法。

    Authorities in China , the Philippines , South Korea , India , Thailand and Indonesia have also raised interest rates in the last two months to reduce the amount of money in the financial system - another means of reining in inflation .

  28. 我国已初步建立市场利率形成机制和市场利率体系。

    China has primarily set up the mechanism of market-orientation interest rate and the system of market interest rate .

  29. 基准利率是整个市场化利率体系中所不可缺少的基本利率,从某种意义上来说基准利率是利率市场化机制形成的核心。

    Benchmark interest rate is a basic interest rate indispensable to the mechanism of interest rate marketization . To some extent , it is the core of the system .

  30. 当前,金融市场上存在着多种利率,要建立完善的市场利率体系,全面实现利率的市场化,必然需要一个基准利率来引领。

    At present , there are many kinds of interest rates in the financial market . If we want to build a perfect interest rate system so that we can smoothly realize the Interest Rate Marketization , we need a benchmark interest rate .