
  • 网络Level of Interest Rates;interest rate level;interest rate
  1. 相比之下,美联储(fed)要么将长期维持现行利率水平,要么会在失业率进一步上升几个百分点的情况下降息。

    By contrast , the Federal Reserve will either maintain the present level of interest rates for a long time , or even cut it as the jobless rate edges up a few further decimal points .

  2. 实体经济无法支撑这么高的利率水平。

    The real economy cannot support such a high level of interest rates .

  3. 政府已设定了新的商业利率水平。

    The government has pitched High Street interest rates at a new level .

  4. 德国的利率水平很快就会降下来。

    German interest rates will come down before long

  5. 而美联储(federalreserve)眼下则应保持利率水平不变。

    But the US Federal Reserve should hold steady for now .

  6. 较低的利率水平然后会提振私人部门的支出,部分抵消增税以及政府减支带来的财政拖累(fiscaldrag)。

    Lower interest rates then boost private sector spending , partially offsetting the fiscal drag from higher taxes and government spending cuts .

  7. 即使美联储(usfederalreserve)暂停加息,而中国利率水平小幅上调,中国央行仍能轻松赚取逾100个基点的利差。

    Even with the US Federal Reserve on pause and Chinese interest rates inching higher , the central bank earns a spread comfortably above 100 basis points .

  8. 目前,在零利率水平下,私人部门储蓄仍占到国内生产总值(GDP)的9%,这一数字之高令人震惊。

    Today , the private sector is saving 9 per cent of gross domestic product at zero interest rates , a shockingly high number .

  9. 总体而言,当前利率水平处于历史低位&自2008年12月至今,美联储(Fed)一直将目标利率保持在0.25%,30年期按揭利率也不到4%,处于过去闻所未闻的低水平。

    Overall , interest rates are at historic lows & since December 2008 the Fed has kept its target rate at 0.25 % and 30-year mortgages are at previously unheard of sub-4 % levels .

  10. 早些时候,欧洲央行(ecb)加大警告力度,称欧元区利率水平仍有可能上升,尽管欧洲央行将利率维持在4%不变。

    Earlier , the European central bank stepped up its warnings that eurozone rates may yet rise , even though the ECB left rates unchanged at 4 per cent .

  11. 但持续的通胀压力已迫使印度央行(reservebankofindia)保持高利率水平,因而对零售信贷业包括房屋按揭、车贷及无抵押个人贷款构成了打击。

    But persistent inflationary pressure has forced the Reserve Bank of India , the central bank , to keep interest rates high , which in turn has hit retail credit , from home loans to car and unsecured personal loans .

  12. 尽管整个亚洲地区的利率水平普遍低于雷曼(lehman)倒闭之前的时期,但通胀的缓解将推高实际利率,并提供一些降息的空间。

    Though interest rates across the region are generally lower than they were pre-Lehman , a fall in inflation would boost real interest rates and allow for some cuts .

  13. 市场认为瑞典很可能维持目前高于绝大多数十国集团(g10)成员国的利率水平。

    Sweden is seen as likely to maintain rates at higher levels than in most other G10 countries .

  14. 日本央行(BOJ)的独立性遭到了质疑,因为此前该行决定将利率水平维持在0.25%,显然是在政治压力下做出的决定。

    The independence of the Bank of Japan was called into question yesterday after the central bank held rates unchanged at 0.25 per cent , apparently under political pressure .

  15. 上世纪90年代末的一系列货币政策失误,导致利率水平过低,在一些国家引发了弗里德里希哈耶克(friedrichhayek)等奥地利经济学家所称的“跨期”问题。

    A series of monetary policy mistakes in the late 1990s meant that interest rates were too low , creating in several countries whataustrian economists such as Friedrich Hayek , called an " inter-temporal " problem .

  16. 利率水平走低也影响了日本的海外收入。

    Lower interest payments hit the country 's overseas income too .

  17. 简而言之,是因为英国的经济增速过低而利率水平过高。

    Briefly , growth was too low and interest rates too high .

  18. 为了抑制通胀,美联储简单地提高了短期利率水平。

    To cure inflation , the Fed simply raises short-term interest rates .

  19. 旨在推动增长的努力压低了发达国家的利率水平。

    Attempts to boost growth have lowered interest rates in advanced economies .

  20. 低利率水平和增长的联邦赤字导致美元疲软。

    Low interest rates and growing federal deficits have ed the dollar .

  21. 把利率水平降到零点过久也将滋生金融泡沫。

    Leaving interest rates at zero for too long could produce bubbles .

  22. 面对这样的利率水平,我们未来会更艰难。

    With these rates we are going to have more tough times ahead .

  23. 极低的利率水平与汇率管控一样,会产生全球效应。

    Extreme low interest rates , like currency controls , have global consequences .

  24. 市场预计欧洲央行将很可能维持1.00%的利率水平不变。

    The ECB is largely expected to keep it 's rates at1.00 % .

  25. 如今,这种财务限制已经被美国接近于零的利率水平所消除。

    Now the financial constraint has been removed by near-zero US interest rates .

  26. 国际利率水平决定的数量论证及其风险的度量

    Quantative Demonstration of Determining International Rate Level and

  27. 第六,降低整体的利率水平。

    Sixth , reduce the overall interest rate ;

  28. 同时利率水平相对仍处在低位,对股市不构成竞争。

    Also , interest rates are relatively low , offering little competition to equities .

  29. 更高且更灵活的利率水平将令投资决策受到更多约束。

    Higher and more flexible interest rates would impose stricter discipline on investment decisions .

  30. 利率水平的高低,体现国家宏观经济调控的政策导向。

    The level of interest rate embody policy leading of macro-control of finance of countries .