
  • 网络interest rate policy;Zero Interest Rate Policy
  1. 上周,美联储(Fed)指出了这一担忧,将国际动态加入了影响其利率政策的因素清单。

    That worry was flagged up by the US Federal Reserve last week when it added international developments to a list of swing factors informing its interest rate policy .

  2. 考虑到当前经济活动的复苏,美联储(Fed)的利率政策看上去并没有那么受限。

    Considering the current recovery in economic activity , it is not at all clear that the US Federal Reserve 's interest rate policy has been all that constrained .

  3. 政府的高利率政策正对工业产生不利影响。

    The government 's policy of high interest rates is having a detrimental effect on industry .

  4. 日本央行(bankofjapan)已经表示,在利率政策制定过程中将考虑消费物价指数以外的数据。

    The Bank of Japan has indicated it will consider other data than the CPI in its deliberations .

  5. 本月早些时候,日本央行(bankofjapan)终结了它的零利率政策,此举引发一些人担心,认为如果央行收紧信贷动作过快,可能会危及经济增长。

    Earlier this month the Bank of Japan ended its zero-interest rate policy , a move that has prompted concerns that economic growth could be jeopardised if the bank moves too quickly to tighten credit .

  6. 上周,美联储(Fed)指出了这一担忧,将“国际动态”加入了影响其利率政策的因素清单。

    That worry was flagged up by the US Federal Reserve last week when it added " international developments " to a list of swing factors informing its interest rate policy .

  7. 美联储主席贝南克(BenBernanke)本周表示,使用常规利率政策支撑经济的余地显然有限。

    ' The scope for using conventional interest rate policies to support the economy is obviously limited , 'Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said this week .

  8. 毕竟,2002年至2004年,艾伦格林斯潘(AlanGreenspan)采取的低利率政策,为房地产价格上涨提供了动力,这很快成为了贷款热潮的理由。

    After all , the low rates introduced by Alan Greenspan from 2002-2004 created momentum in house prices that soon became the rationale for crazy lending .

  9. 本月晚些时候和11月初到期的美国短期国债的收益率升至30基点上方,这是自2008年末美联储(FederalReserve)出台零利率政策、锚定短期利率以来的最高水平。

    Treasury bills maturing later this month and in early November rose above 30 basis points , their highest level since late 2008 when the Federal Reserve adopted a zero interest rate policy and anchored short-term interest rates .

  10. 加入WTO将是中国经济的第二次对外开放,将对我国当前的贸易政策、利率政策和资本流动政策产生深远影响,而这些政策将影响我国宏观财政政策的效应。

    Entering into WTO Will be China 's opening for the second time , which will make a long influence on the trade policy , interest policy and capital moving policy in our country which will influence the macro fiscal policy 's effect .

  11. 欧洲央行(ecb)计划修改其指导利率政策的机制,以便更充分地考虑到信贷和货币供给数据,以及资产价格泡沫构成的威胁。

    The European Central Bank plans to revamp its system for guiding interest rate policy to take better account of credit and money supply data , as well as threats posed by asset price bubbles .

  12. 下面哪件事情更容易预测:沃达丰(vodafone)未来6至12个月的走势,还是英国央行(boe)可能出台的利率政策?

    Is it easier to predict where Vodafone is heading over the next six to 12 months or what the Bank of England may do with interest rates ?

  13. 和许多有见识的货币政策界人士不同,我认为,本世纪初,在艾伦格林斯潘(alangreenspan)领导下的美联储为应对亚洲储蓄过剩而采取的低利率政策大体正确。

    Unlike many sound money people I believe that the fed under Alan Greenspan was largely right in its low interest rate policies at the beginning of this century in response to Asian savings surpluses .

  14. 当时,日本央行官员面临着来自政界人士和市场的巨大压力,要求他们推动经济增长;于是,他们适时实施了量化宽松政策&即日本的零利率政策(Zirp)。

    At the time , BoJ officials faced intense pressure from politicians and markets to boost growth ; so they were duly implementing quantitative easing or their zero interest rate policy .

  15. 其次,介绍了市场经济体制下我国利率政策的变化、IS-LM模型的构建以及利率与物价水平、经济增长和货币供给量等主要经济变量间的关系。

    Secondly , this paper introduces the changes in interest rate policy of the market economy in China , construction of the IS-LM model and the relationship between interest rate and the main economic variables , for example price level , economic growth and money supply .

  16. 罗马尼亚央行行长穆古尔伊萨雷斯库(mugurisarescu)表示,他的机构将准备用一系列工具来支持列伊,其中包括利率政策、道义劝告和最低准备金率等。

    Mugur Isarescu , governor of the Central Bank of Romania , said his institution would be prepared to use a range of instruments to support the Leu , including interest rate policy , moral suasion and minimum reserve requirements .

  17. 通货膨胀目标;利率政策;流动性陷阱。

    Inflation Targeting ; Interest Rate Rules ; The Liquidity Trap .

  18. 利率政策效应及其改革方向

    The effect and further reform of interest rate policy in China

  19. 欧洲央行会追随美联储采取零利率政策吗?

    Will the ECB follow the fed to the zero boundary ?

  20. 我国利率政策有效性的实证分析

    A Study of the Affectivity of Interest Rate Policy in China

  21. 利率政策成了迟未采取经济措施的借口。

    Interest rate policy was an alibi for overdue economy measures .

  22. 规则和相机抉择因素在利率政策中的有效性分析

    The Effectiveness Analysis of Rules and Discretion in Interest Rates Policy

  23. 利率政策的投资效应分析

    Analysis of The Effects of Interest Rate Policy On Investment

  24. 首先对利率政策的有效性进行界定。

    Part One defines the availability of interest rate policy .

  25. 近年我国利率政策效应的定量评估

    Ration Evaluation of Effect of Interest Rate Policy in China

  26. 然而企业又确实在利用低利率政策大举借贷。

    Companies are indeed borrowing , taking advantage of the lower rates .

  27. 利率政策理论与中国利率政策分析

    Analyses of Interest Rate Policy Theories and China 's Interest Rate Policy

  28. 世纪之交国际利率政策趋势分析

    Analysis of Policy Trend of International Interest Rate in the New Century

  29. 基于利率政策考量的证券市场羊群行为研究

    Research on Herd Behavior in Securities Market Based on Bank Rate Policy

  30. 国外利率政策趋势与我国利率政策选择

    The foreign policy trend of interests and China 's choice of its own