
  • 网络interest rate control
  1. 另外在具体利率管制措施上,提出对利率进行分类管制,对不同借贷施以不同的利率管制措施。

    Also in the specific interest rate controls , the proposed classification is suggested .

  2. 从可持续盈利因子看,利率管制和业务缺乏创新使得中资银行的盈利结构不容乐观,与国际银行业发展趋势相悖,不可持续。

    From the perspective of sustainable profitability factor , Chinese banks ' profit structure are not optical , and contradict to global banking development trend , due to interest rate controls and the lack of innovation in business .

  3. 不少企业集团一直在向联邦储备委员会施压,要求其放松利率管制。

    Many business groups have been pressing the Federal Reserve to loosen interest rates

  4. 发达国家的利率管制源于1929~1933年大萧条,例如美国于1933年颁布的《银行法》,有了著名的Q条例的规定。

    Interest control in developed countries were derived from the Great Depresses in 1929 . The United State had the to regulate the saving and loan interests ( called Q statute ) .

  5. 中国央行(PBoC)周二表示,中国将在下月推出期待已久的存款保险制度。这是旨在取消国内利率管制和推动以市场为基础的资本配置的关键举措。

    China will launch a long-awaited deposit insurance system next month , the central bank said on Tuesday , a crucial step towards deregulating domestic interest rates and promoting market-based capital allocation .

  6. 我国现阶段实行利率管制的合理性分析

    The Analysis on the Rationality of China 's Current Interest Rate Regulation

  7. 放松贷款利率管制:现实选择、理论模型与经济效应

    Unlocking Loan Interest Rate : Realistic Choice , Theoretic Model and Economic Effect

  8. 利率管制与利率市场化

    The Control of Interest Rate and Interest Rate Marketing

  9. 利率管制是中国金融体制的核心。

    Regulated interest rates are at the heart of the Chinese financial machine .

  10. 国内金融改革,特别是取消利率管制

    Domestic financial reform , especially interest rate deregulation

  11. 利率管制对商业贷款市场均衡的影响分析

    The Analysis of the Impact of Interest Rate Administration on Commercial Loan Market Equilibrium

  12. 利率管制的政策实践始于20世纪30年代大萧条之后的美国。

    The practice of interest rate regulation started in U.S. since the Great Depression in 1930s .

  13. 然而,我国现行的利率管制政策却严重地弱化了利率的作用。

    However , our country current policies of interest rate management seriously weakens the role of it .

  14. 必须开放农村金融市场,取消利率管制。这一学说催生了小额贷款。

    So opening the rural financial market and cancelling the control of interest rate would be necessary .

  15. 利率管制从本质上是与市场经济的竞争原则相违背的。

    To completely establish the market based economic system in our country objectively requires interest rate liberalization .

  16. 长期以来,我国实行比较严厉的利率管制。

    For a long time , the interest rate regulation in our country has been strictly controlled .

  17. 在利率管制政策的指导思想上,发达国家的管制政策是其干预主义的膨胀性总体政策的一个组成部分;

    For developed countries , the standpoint of the interest rate regulation policy is to stimulate economic growth .

  18. 第一部分首先对民间借贷利率管制中涉及的关键词汇予以解释分析,理清各概念之间的关系。

    The first part involved analysis on key terms in the usury laws by clarifying the relationship between the concepts .

  19. 中国央行在解除贷款利率管制的同时,将储蓄利率维持在低水平,确保了银行的厚利。

    The central bank has ensured a windfall for banks by keeping deposit rates low , while deregulating lending rates .

  20. 当前中国很有吸引力的利差水平是利率管制的因果,因此不会维持太长时间。

    The current attractive interest rate spreads are a symptom of regulated rates – and thus have a limited shelf life .

  21. 取消票据贴现利率管制,对农村信用社贷款利率不再设立上限。

    Controls on bill discount rates will be scrapped and the ceiling limit for lending from rural banks will be eliminated .

  22. 第一,利率管制、过高的中央银行存贷款利率和金融机构实际负利率构成了利率政策运行环境的三个主要标准化事实;

    First , interest rate control , over-high central bank rates and negative real deposit and lending rates are three stylized facts .

  23. 我国长期实行的利率管制政策曾对我国的经济发展起到了一定的促进作用。不设语种限制。

    The long-existing policy of restrictions on interest rate has ever promoted the development of our country 's economy in the past time .

  24. 在第一阶段,经济转型中的货币化进程、价格管制、利率管制以及强制储蓄是货币流通速度下降的主要原因。

    During the first period , institution factor of velocity declining are monetization process , price and interest rate limit , and compulsive saving .

  25. 尽管如此,银行普遍承认撤销利率管制,让银行有机会扩大受管制存款方面的市场占有率。

    Nevertheless , it is also widely acknowledged that deregulation will provide banks with the opportunity to enlarge their market share of regulated deposits .

  26. 随着利率管制的放松,利率风险日益成为我国商业银行面临的重要风险。

    With the Ioosening of the interest rate restriction , the risk of interest rate has become a more important risk in Chinese commercial bank .

  27. 现代经济学对利率管制的争论已经不再限于道德层面,而是对管制的效益全面进行反思。

    Nowadays the debate on interest rates is no longer limited to the moral level , but rather to reflect fully the benefits of control .

  28. 然后,构建了利率管制下的信贷配给模型,并在此基础上分析了信贷配给对企业债务期限结构选择的影响。

    Thirdly , credit ration model has been constructed under interest rate repression , and the credit ration effect on debt maturity has been analyzed too .

  29. 随着世界各国利率管制的放松,利率风险管理已成为商业银行最重要的风险管理业务之一。

    With the deregulation of interest rate in the world , the management of interest rate risk has become one of the most important management of risk .

  30. 它们进军银行业的愿望不难理解:得益于中国利率管制导致的可观存贷息差,银行业的利润十分丰厚。

    Their desire to break into banking is hardly mysterious : the business is hugely lucrative thanks to fat lending margins as a result of controlled interest rates .