- 网络structure of interest rates;rate structure;terms structure of interest rates

This model combines the characteristics of the Chinese population , and consider two aspects of the structure of interest rates in the incomplete market conditions , to build a long-term bond pricing model expression has more obvious advantages .
This paper extends on the base of risk-free interest rate structure and introduces the model of floating interest rate structure .
It requires consummating the structures of deadline , ownership variety and interest rate .
In this paper we made use of the general regime-switching model proposed by Gray and the data of the 30-day inter-bank market of China to study the behavior of the interest rates . After research , we found that there did exist regime-switching in the market .
A Regime-Switching Model of Interest Rates Based on the Level Models
Forward Price and Risk Management with the Structure of Floating Rate
An Analysis on Regime-Switching of Interest Rate in the Inter-Bank Market of China
The rigidity of interest structure that was formed during long period is not consistent with the goal of commercial banks and does no good for economy growth .
An interest rate structure symmetry theory is presented . The duration gap and immunity conditions are adopted to control the interest rate risk and protect the equity rights .
There are trigger design , compensation rate design , term structure design , interest structure design , bond issuing timing design , district design and risk structure design .
It points our that the top priority task of commercial banks is to implement the management of interest rate in the light of the existing structure of interest rate on the base of their own operation situations .
On the basis of improving the property right institution quality level , the whole country financial institution environment quality improves , it will lead to the whole financial institution financial institutions fair and orderly competition , also helpful for structure adjustment .
The interest rate structure symmetry is introduced into the optimization of bank assets portfolio . The proposed method solves the harmonization and match problem , and protects the bank equity against the effect and loss while the market interest rate changes .
At present , the structure of our country financial market interest rate system is still a two-track system which is composed of the state rate and the market rate . Until now , the system has not yet forms its benchmark interest rate .
Among these there interest rate structure , central bank rediscount is the basis of the interest rate , financial market rate is the core interest rate after interest rate liberalization , while the deposit-withdrawl rate of financial unit is the body of influence of the liberalization .
The regime-switching model about interest rate extends Vasicek and CIR models .
Term Structure is the curve formed by interest rates of different maturities .
Fitting the Term Structure of Interest Rate of Bond with B Spline
There exist many methods to estimate to term structure , which include the bootstrap method and spline approximation .
A Note on the FH Model of Interest Term Structure
Since the entering of WTO will hasten the development of China financial market greatly , we need an analysis of term structure models for China .
Factor analysis on the term structure of inter-bank offered rate abroad
Therefore , this paper mainly uses the DNS model to fit the term structure curve .
In addition , the term structure fitting using Powell B-spline function can be used as the reference because of its higher stability .
VRP fitting model for the term structure of SSE T-bonds
Modeling term-structure of yields in SSE with two-factor CIR model
Test of the Expectation Theory of the Term Structure of Shibor
For analyzing the term structure in Riding the yield curve , B-spline is used to fit the interest rate term structure implied by treasury bonds . Performance is compared between bonds with different maturity and different holding period .
In the 10 % level of significance , Macroeconomic are the Granger cause of interest rate term structure , but the converse is not established .
Using the B-spline basis , this paper presents a comprehensive research on the spline-based estimation models of the term structure of interest rates . Theoretical derivation and parameters ' estimation are given , based on which an empirical comparison is made furthermore .