
  • 网络Fluidity Contract
  1. 我国未来《物权法》应承认流质契约,这不仅是尊重当事人意思自治的需要,也是实现担保权价值取向统一的需要,还是排除创设新型担保权之障碍的需要。

    Fluidity contract should be admitted in Chinese Tomorrow 's " Real Right Law ", which not only respects the party 's autonomy of intention , but also is in favor of unification of the value tropism .

  2. 我国流质契约制度的反思与应然建构

    Reflection and Rebuild of the Liquidity Contract System in China

  3. 在未来《物权法》承认流质契约的同时,应当运用现行法的规定和创设新的合理方法处理好对担保设定人及担保设定人的其他债权人的利益保护问题。

    Meanwhile , we had better take order with the protecting problems of interest to the persons who enact the surety and other debtors of these persons by exerting the rules of existing law and creating new reasonable methods .