
liú tōng zhèng quàn
  • negotiable instruments;marketable securities
  1. 例如,这些证券发行机构在1927年的流通证券中,就提供了一百九十亿美元的证券。

    For example , these security affiliates participated in the floating of 19000000000 of issues in 1927 .

  2. ADR即美国存托凭证,是由美国存托银行向美国的投资者发行的,代表非美国公司股票所有权的一种可流通证券。

    ADR American Depositary Receipts , were issued by American Depositary Bank to American investors , which represent , a sort of circulative stocks owned by non American companies .

  3. 全流通证券市场大股东控制与公司治理研究

    An Analysis on Large Stockholder Controlling and Corporate Governance in the Full Circulation of Stock Market

  4. 投入的资金很多,不是现金而是流通证券。

    There was a lot of money involved , not in hard cash but in negotiable securities .

  5. 但实际上,由于价值“漏损”的存在,期权价值与流通证券组合价值之间存在一定的偏差。

    In fact , with the existing of leakage in value , there is a certain deviation between them .

  6. 澳大利亚的对冲基金与其它地方的对冲基金毫无不同,可以涉及借贷、卖空和非流通证券等领域。

    Australian hedge funds are no different from those elsewhere ; they can involve borrowing , short-selling , and illiquid securities .

  7. 在此研究框架下,本文还对全流通证券市场大股东行为特征问题进行了深入剖析。

    Furthermore , the characteristic behaviors of large shareholders in the full circulation of stock market will be deeply analyzed and compared .

  8. 期权价值是从与期权有相同损益的流通证券组合的价值推演出来的。

    Option value is deduced from the value of combination of the negotiable instrument that has the same profit and loss with it .

  9. 票据是一种法定的流通证券,可以通过背书转让而流通,同时法律又允许当事人对票据的背书作出某种限制。

    Bill is a legal negotiable instrument , which can circulate through endorsement , while the law respect the autonome of the party and allow it make a certain restriction on the endorsement of the bill .

  10. 但还存在着种种不规范之处,这就需要有完善的法律监管理念和体系来保证证券市场的正常运行。第1章研究了全流通证券市场法律监管的基本理论。包括全流通概念、原则。

    However , there are kinds of irregularities , and this requires a legal and regulatory system to ensure the concept of the normal operation of the securities market . Chapter ⅰ is basic theory : It introduce the full circulation concepts and principles .

  11. 它通过一定的交易结构安排,将预期可产生稳定现金流而缺乏流动性的资产转换为可在金融市场中销售和流通的证券。

    It is structuring a transaction and transferring the ' cash flow producing ' , ' illiquid ' asset to marketable securities .

  12. 发展证券市场搞活资本流通对证券民事赔偿案件适用最新法律的理解

    Setting Up Securities Markets and the Acceleration of Capital Circulation A Comprehension of Civil Case Indemnification on Securities Markets Suitable for the Newest Law

  13. 住房抵押贷款证券化综合应用格式合同、风险隔离、担保和证券等多项法律制度,将缺乏流动性的住房抵押贷款转化成可流通的证券。

    By integrating the ideas of standard contract , risk remoteness , security and securities , MBS can transform static residential mortgage into negotiable securities .

  14. 资产证券化是指将一组缺乏流动性、但能产生可预见现金收入流的资产,转换成为可以在金融市场上出售和流通的证券的技术和过程。

    Asset securitization means the financial technique and the process to convert a group of assets lacking liquidity but capable of producing predictable cash income into the securities which can sell and circulate in the financial market .

  15. 待今后条件成熟时再象全国社会保障基金那样允许慈善基金结余额按一定比例投资于上市流通的证券投资基金、股票和信用等级在投资级以上的企业债、金融债等。

    When appropriate , some part can be invested in circulated trusts , stocks and enterprise and finical debts with investment level of credit in the market , which will be the same with national social security foundations .

  16. 资产证券化的本质是将缺乏流动性但能够产生可预见的稳定的现金流量的资产,通过一定的结构安排,转换成为在金融市场上可以出售和流通的证券的过程。

    The essence of assets securitization is , by some structrual arrangement , turn the properties which are scare liquidity but can produce predictable and stable cash flow to the securities which are able to be sold and circulate in the capital market .

  17. 证券投资基金市值将占股票市值的25%,可流通的证券化资产占非证券化的金融资产的比重将达到40%左右。

    The investment in stocks , bonds and security investment funds by other kinds of funds will amount to 20 % fo the market value of these securities , The proportion of tradeable securitized assets to total financial assets will rise to about 40 % .

  18. 政客们务必要保证其银行体系资本充足,解决作为本场危机核心的缺乏流通性的证券。

    Politicians must make sure that their banking systems are adequately capitalised and deal with the illiquid securities at the heart of this crisis .

  19. 非流通股是中国证券市场的独特问题。

    Non - transferable shares are the unique issue in Chinese stock market .

  20. 随着中国证券市场的日益发展和规范,解决国有股减持和流通问题,是证券市场健康发展的当务之急。

    As China 's securities market becomes more and more developed and standardized , questions of state stock reduction and circulation turn to be a top priority task .

  21. 随着现代商品经济和市场交易的发展,客观上要求加大债权的流通性,债权证券化的呼声也日益高涨。

    The development of modern commodity economy and market exchange objectively calls for a freer flow of the creditor 's right and necessitates the securitization of the creditor 's right .

  22. 经中国人民银行批准在全国银行间债券市场交易流通的资产支持证券可用于质押式回购交易。

    I.Asset-backed securities which are traded and circulated in the National Inter-Bank Bond Market upon the approval of the People 's Bank of China may be used for pledge-style repo transactions .

  23. 2007年证券市场发生了很大的变化,一是随着股权分置改革的完成,原来的发起人非流通股可以流通了;二证券市场出现大牛市行情。

    2007 , great changes have taken place in the securities market , one with the completion of the share reform , the original sponsor of the non-tradable shares can flow ; Second , big bull market in stock market .

  24. 非流通股得以全部流通以后,证券市场将迎来新的发展,我国公司治理的将有新的评判标准,我国上市公司的公司治理也会有新的工作重点。

    After the all-circulation of non-tradable shares , the capital market will usher in a new development , there will be new corporate governance standards for listed companies , as well , corporate governance of listed companies in China will have new focus .

  25. 如何有效地防范大股东对中小投资者利益的侵害、保护中小投资者的合法权益以及提升上市公司的价值成为全流通进程中以及全流通后我国证券市场亟待解决的首要现实问题。

    That how to effectively prevent a large shareholder aggrieve the interests of small investors to protect the legitimate rights and interests of small and medium investors and how to effectively enhance the value of listed companies is becoming important in the circulation process of the stock market .