
liú dònɡ rén kǒu
  • floating population;transient population
  1. 温州市外来流动人口HIV感染的流行特征

    Epidemic Characteristics of HIV Infection of Floating Population in Wenzhou

  2. 贵阳市流动人口HIV感染状况调查及危险行为干预研究

    An intervention study of the status of HIV infection and preventing AIDS dangerous behavior in the floating population of Guiyang

  3. 建议政府在全国范围内对户籍人口、流动人口的“产前筛查”实施免费,并建立病残儿童国家登记制度。

    I suggested providing free physical checks for pregnant women and building a national registration5 system for children with disabilities or disease .

  4. 第七次全国人口普查数据显示,2020年,我国有4.93亿人处于“人户分离”的状态。流动人口中15岁至35岁的人员占了总量的70%以上。

    Around 493 million people lived outside their place of household registration in 2020 , with those aged for more than 70 percent .

  5. 文化资本与农村流动人口的城市融入&基于厦门市Z工厂的实证研究

    Cultural Capital and Rural Migrants ′ City Integration & Empirical Study on Z Factory

  6. 为了解温州市外来流动人口HIV感染情况及其分布特征。对1988-2001年由确诊实验室确诊的流动人口HIV感染者进行统计分析。

    To understand the epidemic characteristics of HIV infection of floating population in Wenzhou , an analysis of people with HIV infection was carried out .

  7. 方法利用2004年流动人口性与生殖健康基线调查数据,对中国已婚流动人口性生活频度进行单因素ANOVA和多元线性回归分析。

    Methods The data were from the " Sex and Reproductive Health Baseline Survey among Floating People " . One-way ANOVA analysis and Liner analysis methods were used .

  8. 另一方面,流动人口成为HIV携带者后与其他人发生高危行为则会成为HIV的传染源之一,其结果是导致了HIV/AIDS在感染者数量和感染空间上的扩散。

    Once the high-risk behavior happened , the floating population is exposed to become the HIV carrier , and then become the HIV infection sources , which leads to spreading the HIV / AIDS in larger quantity and wider space .

  9. 结果:630名流动人口产妇的住院分娩率为79.2%,Logistic回归分析后产妇文化程度和产次对住院分娩有影响,随着产妇文化程度提高住院分娩率提高,随着产次增加住院分娩率降低。

    Results : The rate of the hospitalized childbirth of 630 maternal women is 79.2 % , the Logistic Regression Analysis indicated that the maternal women with higher education degree , with fewer delivery were more likely to delivery in hospital .

  10. 本文利用2004年深圳市封闭小区流动人口调查数据,构建并测算了流动人口的流动间隔,同时运用COX比例风险模型,分析了影响流动间隔的社会经济因素。

    Based on a survey of the floating population in Shenzhen , this paper constructs and measures the migration interval of floating population , and further explores the socio-economic factors affecting it by Cox Hazard Model .

  11. 随着现代结核病控制策略的应用,采用DOTS策略,抓好流动人口的结核病发现和管理,控制耐药病例的产生,才能有效地控制结核病疫情的流行。

    In order to control tuberculosis , the most important methods are to implement the modern tuberculosis control strategies ( DOTS ), to improve the detection and management for tuberculosis in the floating population , and to limite the production of MDR-TB cases .

  12. 全国综合社会调查(GSS)结果显示,在城镇生活的居民有近10%的人不具有城镇常住户口,15%左右的流动人口,近20%的人有人户分离现象。

    The results of GSS show nearly 10 % residents living in cities and towns have not registered for the permanent residence , approximately 15 % are mobile population , and nearly 20 % don 't live in the registered places .

  13. 试论发展权与少数民族流动人口的权益保护

    On Development Right and the Floating Minority Population 's Right Protection

  14. 论流动人口管理与市场经济的关系

    On Relationships between the Floating Populations Management and the Market Economy

  15. 武汉市流动人口中已婚妇女性健康状况调查

    Sexual Health Status of Married Female in Transient Population in Wuhan

  16. 农村流动人口与城市社会安全:理论命题和政策建议

    Rural Migrants and Urban Public Security : Theoretical Statements and Policy Suggestion

  17. 流动人口是导致传染病扩散的其中一个重要因素。

    Human mobility is a factor behind the spread of infectious diseases .

  18. 门诊流动人口泌尿生殖道感染支原体及其耐药情况分析

    Urogenital Mycoplasma Infection in Outpatient Fluid Population and Its Drug Resistance Analysis

  19. TP-Miner:基于生物启发计算的警用流动人口分析系统

    TP-Miner : Transient Population Analysis System Based on Bio-inspired Computation

  20. 和谐社会语境下的流动人口治安管理的发展方向

    Development Direction of Public Security Management of Floating Population under Harmonious Society

  21. 年轻女性流动人口生殖健康知识及态度调查

    Reproductive health knowledge and attitude among young female floating population

  22. 流动人口血吸虫病监测方法、费用与效果分析

    Schistosomiasis surveillance in a transient population and cost-and-effect analysis of that approach

  23. 流动人口中艾滋病的流行情况及预防控制

    The Epidemic Situation and Prevention and Control of AIDS Among Floating Population

  24. 社会转型期我国流动人口的现状及管理新构想

    New Concept of Floating Population Management during the Society Conversion

  25. 低收入流动人口城市住宅初探

    Discussion on the Housing for Low Income and Floating Population

  26. 流动人口的选举权分析

    The analysis of right to vote of the floating population

  27. 流动人口计划生育考核评估的理论思考

    On The Assessment of Family Planning Program for Floating Population

  28. 农村流动人口的国民待遇与社会公正研究

    National Treatment of Rural Floating Population and Social Justice Study

  29. 广州市农村流动人口卫生服务需求与利用分析

    Demand and utilization for health service in floating population in Guangzhou city

  30. 蒙古族流动人口的婚姻家庭状况&以内蒙古呼和浩特市为例

    The Marriage Situation of the Floating Population Among the Mongolian